Friday 19 August 2011

School Reunion

I'm missing my school reunion tonight :(  I'd planned on going, I mean high school for me although I wasn't little miss popular, was an awesome time.  I got along with everyone, hung out with friends most evenings, got drunk and partied my ass off most weekends and made some amazing friends along the way.

I was really looking forward to catching up with a few people, you see every year on this weekend most people from my year head back 'home' and catch up as there is an event on and it makes for an easy excuse.  Because of this quite a few people have managed to stay in touch, especially among the boys, the single ones of which despite travelling all over the world with work now all seem to live within close proximity.  

I used to do the same until we had to move mum closer to family after dad died.  You see, I went to high school 4hrs away from where I live now, which is 7hrs away from one of my brothers and 9hrs away from the other so when mum had to move it made getting back pretty difficult.  Pretty much no-one stayed in the town we grew up in, although I think many of us are considering moving back when we have experienced all life has to offer so couch surfing isn't really an option.  Despite this I got the offer of several couches to make it back to the reunion but between a dodgy shoulder that keeps popping out (closest hospital that could deal with that back home is 16miles away) and a serious amount of pain relief meds that I can't actually go without, I had to go with the sensible approach and make my apologies.  I have however demanded that someone take a photocopy of my face and hold it up when they take the group reunion photo :P

Don't get me wrong, I mean compared to a lot of the other people going, my life is still in what you could call a transition period, I mean I could have had the job to brag about, the long-term partner/husband, and children or children on the way, but as several years ago I seemed to develop a bit of a 'life itch' I guess in comparison I look unsuccessful and a little lost.  I wasn't however worried about how this would come across, these people you have to remember are the ones that saw me when I was growing into my body, had braces and went through a phase of dying parts of my hair different colours every week.  They are my connection to some of the best days of my life and I am really sad that I won't get the opportunity to reminisce with them.

Its crazy isn't it... When you are in high school people tell you 'these are the best days of your lives, cherish them' and you can't comprehend it at all.  Between bad hair days, a body that somehow doesn't seem to fit and a whole heap of rules and 'must do's' it is impossible to grasp how fondly you will look back at them in years to come.  Don't get me wrong, I mean I know life wasn't like that for everyone, but for me, I've had great times since and I'm sure I have great times yet to come, but there will never be another moment in my life when I can absolutely live in the moment with no worries, no burdens and no-one to please but myself.

Yes bloggers, I loved high school and I hope everyone who is making it to the reunion has an epic blast from the past night.

Class of 99 - Wear Sunscreen

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