Wednesday 17 August 2011


I've been under the weather this last few days, hence the lack of blog.  I've been put on mega pain relief and and anti-inflammatory tablets for my shoulder and they have knocked me for six.  Several days of vomiting followed by a couple of days of dribbling down my own face followed by debilitating stomach cramps and explosive diarrhoea followed by nausea and extreme tiredness... Who knows what delights await me tomorrow.

I'm bored stiff and am seriously stressed about the disaster that awaits me when I get back to work.  The only thing that has kept me remotely entertained is my Xbox and a genre of lego based games.  I got my Xbox a year or so ago now solely for entertainment purposes for parties, when friends come over and when my nephews visit, other than that I think I've only played once... until now.  I have to say I am addicted to the lego games, they are soooooooooo good and I can't die which is a definite benefit.

When I'm feeling better you will be pleased to know that I have decided to join a 'supper club' to kick start my dating life again.  Apparently supper clubs are the latest thing in dating so I will jump on the supper club train and report back to you.  All in the name of blogging of course ;P

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