Monday 20 December 2010

I'm Back

I can see again so lets see if I can get you up to speed.  In no particular order...

My flat is a total disaster zone, Walliams is despite in his coursework despite gaining an extension for everything.  This has resulted in many 3am 4 course meal cooking sessions (he is a weird little badger), a distinct lack of showers for him (yuck), and accompany that with me not being well and so not doing things... a flat that looks as if WW3 has just kicked off there.

Balloo was meant to be staying at my flat as he was in town for a gig on Thursday night, but as I was feeling about as sociable as a fish on a sunbed he met up with someone else and crashed at their place.  He shot down to London yesterday and was meant to be here tonight but is currently struggling to get back up so we have called another rain check.  I posted his Christmas present this morning.

Herb arrived 1am Saturday morning after a delayed journey from up North for a wedding on Saturday.  We headed into town Christmas shopping yesterday before the snow kicked in quite heavily and we had to head back to the flat.  We amused ourselves last night by getting Balloo's Christmas present sorted - a 3month subscription to to give him the push up the bum he needs to get dating.  We have pimped his profile, set up an email address and he is good to go for when he opens his present on Christmas day - A card with a picture of breasts on the front containing the details he needs to log in and meet lil miss perfect. 

I met Red this evening after Herb left for a quick pre-christmas catchup.  We headed out for a quick bite to eat (mmmmmm nacho's) and a couple of cocktails before jumping a taxi as despite my brisk walk into town the temperature had dropped from the -6 it had been to -10 and so was deemed too cold to walk home.

I popped over to Mr X's when I got back for 10mins or so, he was in a grouch which seems to be the way of things at the moment as he is being abused by work and never has any spare time and is useless at pushing back.  I dropped off his xmas present and gifts for his sister and neice and am now sat on my couch wirting this blog to you that I started at 1 o'clock this afternoon.

If i write anymore this blog will be overkill so I'll love ya and leave ya.

First Christmas song this year!
The Pogues - Fairytale of New York

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