Tuesday 7 December 2010

Cat Wars

Well bloggerino's I've had issues with my laptop and my internet connection most of the day/night so I'll keep this one short.  I didn't get on to chat roulette last night so I will report back tomorrow on my *ahem findings.

Nothing much to report as it was waaaaay too icy to head out anywhere today or for anyone to get here to come and see me so other than crap tv I have done very little with my day.

I did however manage to make it far enough to buy water guns from a local(ish) store.  The cats have been waging war on both my and Walliam's ears of late, getting up super early and meowing until we are both up and where they want us to be and then meowing sporadically throughout the day like spoilt little children if we aren't jumping to their attention.  I'm talking hours here... and no before you think its animal cruelty they are fed, watered, cleaned and played with every day without fail.  Nope, this is just a case of the kitten teenagers.  So to combat this stroppy behaviour I've invested in water guns and so excessive noise for no reason will now be met with a short sharp burst of water and quite cute kitty cats will get extra love and attention. 

Kitty Cats... This is War!

I knew which song I wanted to put here but it seems i've deleted it and can't remember the name so see if you can remember and if so let me know.  It was the tune from the xbox game that was on a few years ago where a group of guys in suits get into a giant machines that bury their way into the earth in order to save the earth.  They were all like super buff men and the song was buy a guy or band with a weird name, beginning with an A I think?!?

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