Monday 1 March 2010

Pushing forward

Well I've a report due for 4pm today and with everything going on i've not been able to even think about starting to put it all together... I think it will be late submission number 1 for the year.

Tonight I have someone coming round to look at the flat, she is a friend of one of the other managers at work and seems really nice on the phone.  I told Mr S on Saturday when he popped home for all of 10mins and asked him to clear up his 3 week old dishes, sort out his wet for 2 week laundry and asked him to make his room and bathroom look presentable.  He did the dishes and then went out saying he would be back later, that was 2 days ago and he hasn't been back since so I need to move things and tidy up this evening in a mad rush before she arrives so not to put her off. 

On a happier note...

I've taken a long weekend off work in a couple of weeks to Salisbury to visit my best friend from school (Herb) and her boyfriend (my old flatmate / the guy I set her up with years ago) with one of our mutual friends.  They have just moved house and so are going to arrange a flat warming around the visit which should be fun and who knows I need a good blow out!  

I've also booked a long weekend in the summer to take my mum back to the town we used to live in when I was at high-school.  Its been a bit of a nightmare to organise but seems to be sorted out now.  A couple of old school friends have already been in touch to say it would be great to catch up so i'm looking forward to it. 

One of the people to get in touch is a guy who we shall call 00J, he and I were far from close in school as he was most definately a guys guy and I was a bit geek chic.  Anyhoo we've been talking a little the last couple of weeks and flirting has definately been involved.  We live miles apart and its just a bit of fun at both ends to be honest, but at the same time i'm sure it will make for some decent, innocent banter if we bump into each other when i'm up.

What else... hmmm, oh well on the band front i'm meeting up with the guy who contacted me about singing to his tracks at the end of this week so i'll keep you posted.

Because it makes me smile and its the start of a new month: 
John Mayer, Waiting on the World to Change

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