Sunday 7 March 2010


I feel like i'm floating in time just now, going nowhere, doing nothing and numb to it all.  Its weird, I feel like I'm watching my life pass by sat in a glass box somewhere inside my head but if i'm here... who is driving?

I've been through a lot in my life and managed to bounce back pretty well so its perplexing to me that this time I'm somehow lost.  The last few weeks worth of blogs have pretty much followed the theme of being stuck in a rut and I think somewhere along the road I've stopped trying to dig myself out - this needs to change.

Jeremy Taylor said that 'Love is friendship set on fire'  if thats true then right now the only thing left is a pile of ash and memories and all I need is a good gust of wind...

Snow Patrol - Chocolate


  1. I hear you.. You're definitely not alone on this one... ...

  2. Thanks... Interesting choice of song anonymous x

  3. The Velvet Underground always make sense..


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