Thursday 4 March 2010


Ok lets see if I can get you up to speed

In short: Life in the flat is slowly coming together, work is going ok despite the smirk the crazy pills pasted all over my face last night and with any luck I'll get the essays/reports for my Uni deadlines fired out and handed in by the middle of next week.

And the Longer version...

A friend of a friend came to see the flat on Monday and she is definately moving in, its just a case of her working out when but it will be by the end of the month at the latest.

Mr S hasn't been back to stay for almost 2 weeks, he has practically moved in with some girl he met that Sunday night (as far as I know) and only dropped in for a few mins last Saturday to do his dishes.  Mouldy Laundry and the rest of the rubbish still sitting where I left it.

I had my APR last night, it was due in December but due to my managers lack of organisational skills was 3 months late.  In a 'real' job, I'd have gone wild at this prospect as it meant my scores and bonus related pay were submitted before any evidence could be submitted or a discussion could take place, here however, the discussion is merely a paper exercise.  The entire meeting took 8mins, I had written a total of 128 words (he counted).  Don't get me wrong I deliberatly refrained from submitting preperation as at IPR time I went in all guns blazing (as that is always what has been expected in my previous positions) and it was a total waste of time/breath so I refused to head in this time for a repeat performance. 

Its rare that someone can get under my skin in a work related situation (at least on the outside), but when his attempt to berate me for my lack of preperation was met with a smirk rather than a look of deliberation it was game over and we called the meeting to an end.  

Everything Else
I'm feeling a little sick with the tablets today, and only managed to get 4hrs sleep before waking, bright eyed and bushy tailed.  I do however feel like maybe I could sit down and work towards some of my Uni deadlines this afternoon - hurrah!

Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia:  A phobia impossible to admit to (ironically amusing)

The theme song of my week:  Gavin DeGraw, I don't wanna be

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