Tuesday 16 March 2010

Full of Grace

'Tuesdays child is full of grace'

I have 101 deadlines for Uni this week and am going out of my mind trying to fit in the time to get them all done - I'm shattered and am most definately not full of grace.

The silver lining is that on Friday I'm heading down to see 'herb' and her bf, my ex flatmate and the guy I set her up with (what shall we call him hmmm Barron) with another one of our mutual friends (who I will call) Balloo.  I'm really looking forward to it,  I've known herb since my first day in secondary school so about 18yrs now and have known Barron and Balloo for 11yrs.  Herb and Barron have just moved house so they have organised a flatwarming party around our arrival with the theme of 'silly hat'.  A quick visit to ebay last night has ensured that both Balloo and I will be hooked up with head attire for a captain and a pirate - love it!

My boss gave me a bottle of champers  and a box of chocs at work last night for my team's performance over the last fortnight - about time!  Being a part-time team the guys miss out on a lot and a bad few hours can knock their stats for an entire week.  It also just goes to show that despite the disaster that is lil ole me at the moment my game of make-believe, falsty and keeping up the pretence to all concerned that I'm lil Miss on-top-of-everything is still on form.

We've had a giggle the last few weeks as the majority of us are Uni students and have developed what can only be described as 'the deadline look' - The right eye somewhat bigger than the left, the left eye having developed a twitch, bad skin, unkempt hair, either a foot or a set of fingers that won't stop moving, a tone of voice that jumps around more than a drunk dude at a punk-rock gig, and an un-natural addiction to all things sugary and full of caffine - oh yeah, we are a colourful bunch at the moment and with exams around the corner I imagine things will only get more interesting from here on in.
MGMT, Time to pretend

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