Thursday 13 December 2012

Crash Land

Hey bloggers!

So it has been a crazy month or so and between poor health, a smashed laptop and a heap of work I have well and truly let things slide with the blog :\  Never fear however, I am back now and have lots of bits and bobs to tell you, talk about and generally procrastinate over this next while.

  • Work wise I'm still plodding along, no real big steps or changes coming up before Christmas although I have two potential job offers lingering in the background so I shall keep you updated.
  • Social life wise things are on the up, despite an ever tightening wallet and an ever decreasing bank balance after everything that has gone on this last week or so I've been out and about a heap and am feeling great for it - more fun and nights out on the cards.  Red has moved back to the city after having worked away the last 12months so we having been catching up, hanging out and generally having a lot of fun of late.  I've also managed to catch up with balloo, g-star, mercury and a few others :)
  • Love life wise things have been well... not interesting as such but there are a few things going on.  Radiohead is coming to see me the first week in January, G-star and I had a mini moment, nothing to write about but I think there might be something there that deserves some exploration.  OOJ has been his usual 'mess with your head' self and there is a seriously attractive guy at work that has smiled at me in passing.   I'm also now in touch with a guy from USA who we shall call Beef due to the fact he is seriously hot! He is married and everything is platonic but he has made me realise that you can have it all if you really want.  He is charming, gorgeous, has a decent job, a beautiful house and wife and two awesome kids.  I feel like the UK needs a few more men like this one! 
  • The real news however is that I met with and caught up with an old flatmate of mine from 6/7yrs ago early last week,  we had a fantastic time and we are meeting again this Friday.  I'll fill you in on the details tomorrow, but in short... I have an inkling that Friday might hold a couple of unexpected turns
Twin Atlantic - Crash Land

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back! Looking forward to hearing more tales. R x


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