Saturday 17 November 2012

Bridesmaid Bartering

So the psychic is coming tonight and I am truly apprehensive.  The others coming seem to have been to a couple before and have loved it but all I have visions of is some creepy lady telling me horrible things and leaving something behind when she leaves - why did it have to be my flat?  I know I am the only one that lives in town (as we all know I am a postcode snob) but I'm feeling very edgy about it.

Don't get me wrong I think a lot of these people are just very adept at reading people and putting out hot and cold feelers, something I utilise in my day to day working life, but with a seriously long waiting time to book this woman and a heap of people raving about her I'm more inclined to think she might have something going on.   I'll keep you informed.

Other than that I got my first bridesmaid task today (the first of many I have been told).  I need to call the two potential wedding venues and haggle my little socks off.  Herb has found her ideal and backup options and has already taken prices and haggled somewhat but we both know this is where my skills truly lay so I'm now being sent in as covert OPs.  I am going to call independently and see what I can do in relation to the figures.  Then phase one is complete.  Phase two comes in to play when we go and see the places later this month - on the phone I'm good but in person I'm a demon.  Herb and Barron have a tight budget so we are going to tag team the negotiations. They will take it as far as they can with the use of their parents and then I will be sent in as the secret weapon.  Lets hope I'm as good at this as we are all hoping.

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