Monday 17 December 2012

Wellington Boots & The Rain

So the last 48hrs have been crazy!

I met Clerk on Friday and we had a great time, good food, good wine, good company.  I have to say I still can't work the whole thing out.  I didn't expect to have any kind of feelings for him but there is definitely something there and I get the impression that he is experiencing a similar thought process but neither of us were willing to risk it for a biscuit on Friday.  That said however we are going to meet as soon as our schedules match in the New Year so I will keep you up to date.

Work wise the proverbial seems to have hit the fan and with only 2 office days left before people start to go their seperate ways for Christmas, I had better get my ass into a higher gear.  Easier said than it sounds however as last night was pretty restless for one reason or another - temperature, work, a conversation I had had with Beef, things with Clerk rolling around in my head.

The big and completely worrying news of the last couple of days however is that having moved mum to the perfect house just under 6 months ago where we had planned she would stay for the rest of her days... the house owner has seriously screwed up their finances and mum recieved a letter from the letting agency this morning to tell her that the property was being put on the market and it was not guaranteed that it would be sold a buy to let opportunity.  Mum is devestated.  This time of year is hard enough for her as it is but with the news this morning she is in floods of tears and has already begun packing up.  She has also told me that she feels she shouldn't come for Christmas either as she needs to 'look for somewhere' - all of these actions are code red for 'mum is about to have another episode of depression'.  It is a total disaster!  Dads death date is just around the corner, she was just beginning to feel settled, get off her medication and enjoy life and now this.  Don't get me wrong, I will as usual take care of everything, the packing, finding her somewhere, everything!  but at the same time keeping her on track will be a nightmare.  I've already spoken to my brother who tends to fuel the fire the wrong way in situations like this to do some mum damage control but he had already spoken with her so I was too late.  If I was in a stable financial situation I would just go and get a mortgage but I am sooooooooooo far from there it is unbelievable.

Time to take a massive deep breath and get ready for what had started out as a really relaxing holiday period and is likely to turn into a total frickin stressful nightmare.  So much for lucky 13.

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