Thursday 15 March 2012

Wisdom .Tooth Style

Have any of you had your wisdom teeth come through bloggers? If so can you give me some info as I am in a world of misery this morning.

I had heard a heap of horror stories so when I realised my first was ready to come through six months or so ago I psyched myself up for trauma, however the tooth sprung through, is completely healthy and white and I thought nothing of it.   A few days ago however my second wisdom tooth on the bottom started to pop through, again looking healthy and white but so far back in my mouth that I'm not sure there is space for it.   

The question I have for you blogger is... Can having a wisdom tooth come through that is super healthy with no signs of swelling or infection around the gum cause you to gain the mother of all colds?

I feel rotten.  The tooth is making me bite my cheek and my tongue at that side and to overcompensate I must be moving my mouth in a different way that is causing me to the the exact same thing to the other side of my mouth also.  To top this off my tounge as a consequence has swollen and I have developed somewhat of a lisp.  That's right bloggers.  I've an uncontrollable lisp and a super sore jaw at the bottom of my chin that is causing me to talk like a total plonker and have issues in pronouncing things on the week I'm attending no less than 6 high-level meetings at an array of businesses amid a large percentage of people I don't know and I'm having to speak at all of them!!!

I am thinking in a week things will have settled so I'm trying not to jump the gun to get rid of a perfectly formed tooth, however I am aware it may become impacted if it tries to emerge fully at the back so I need to keep an eye on it.  Still, at the moment life is pretty unusual.

Hints and tips people... I need hints and tips.  

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