Wednesday 7 March 2012


So I've seen a car worth buying, its not brand new and all singing and all dancing but it would be my first car and it will keep me out of the rain.  I've managed to get the price down quite a bit (even though it was a steal to start with) but OMG how much has insurance gone up since last year?!?!

The last car I was insured on was when I was still on my provisional, it was a 4x4 2.9L turbo diesel and I paid approx £400... this year I'm on a full license just under 1yr and want to insure myself on a 1.6L 3door and the cheapest quote I can find is £689 wtf!

I'm in a quandary to overstretch myself to make it work, sell a few things and finally have my first car or cut my losses.  The thing is, the car I want is a complete bargain, it might be 10yrs old, but everything in it is practically new, it has a full service history with the dealership, one owner and approx 90K miles on the clock (a nice lil run about) but when I have negotiated that down to a bite size chunk there is no way I want to pay almost £700 in insurance.

I work my ass of with Uni and the two jobs I have but with the 101 outgoings I have, despite having no debt I'm not sure I can make the pennies stretch.  My bonus next month would cover the car/tax/parking and most of the insurance but realistically I would need it to cover everything.  Do people still buy worn panties on the net? lol

If I wiggled things and stayed on a really tight budget I could tick one of the things off the 'responsible adult' list but this summer may be a whole heap less fun.  Hmmmm maybe I should rob a bank.

Any suggestions?

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