Friday 16 March 2012

Junk Food Jitters

I have major cravings for junk food today!

Cheetos would be top of the list if you could still buy them mmmm cheesy goodness.  No idea why but man is my body craving crap.  Good job I'm in charge and not my stomach. 

 Helloooooo banana!
I swear if I didn't have an ounce of common sense I would be down the local shop right now stocking up on the below and eating till I felt sick (which given the list would probably be within a few mins lol)

Reeces Pieces
Raisin & Biscuit Yorkie
Cheese Doritos
Space Invaders
Hash Browns
Smokey bacon walkers
Salt & vinegar ruffles
Cheese toastie (with garlic mayo to dip)
Ginger ale
Chocolate Yazoo
Fruit pastilles


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