Saturday 31 March 2012

Mr Perfect & The Plan

So tomorrow night is cocktail night with the people I work with at the same level and our boss, I was really looking forward to it last week but with the pressure of the car bills mounting I would be lying if I wasn't already secretly hoping its an early one to save the pennies lol.

I feel like getting this car will give me back my freedom so I don't mind sacrificing other things along the way, but I'm not the kind of girl that can go on a night out and either stay t-total or nurse a drink for an hour.  I convince myself I can be, oh yes I certainly do that but in reality after one (if its a wine) or two (for anything else) I'm little miss - whoorahhh lets make a night of it and paint the town pink!

Wouldn't life be blissful if I bumped into Mr perfect tomorrow night who is both handsome and loaded with a personality to boot.  The chances of that happening are slim to none, but a girl can hope.

Just over a week of work left and then I am off for a week and its hello family, ola car and goodbye transportation barriers.  Then I'll be on to action plan number 2... The time has come bloggers.  It is officially job hunting time.  I've decided to do the UK thing for 12-18months, save some cash and then aim for the big goal of a move to the states.  I'm pretty flexible about where I take the job providing it is a social place and it isn't London (Been there, done that... wasn't impressed).  Anyone reading fancy giving this plucky young girl a great job with a competitive salary? lol

So here goes the order:
  • Car
  • Job
  • Holiday
  • Save
  • USA
  • Man
Do we approve?

ps:  I've been wondering if I should share but I figure why break the habit of a lifetime.  I'm officially back in touch with Mr X and yes, we are talking a lot.  
Bran Van 3000 - Drinking In LA

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Mint Cornetto's Rule

It is too sunny for anything other than a few simple facts today

  • I officially love the sunshine and need to live where it shines every day
  • I can't wait till the 10th when my holidays begin
  • I am currently too much of a slave to work
  • I need to start looking for a proper job again next month
  • I want, no I neeeeed a mint cornetto
Oh and enjoy...

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Sunshine Seeker

I've booked some annual leave and I am sooooo hoping I get a taste of this beautiful weather.  I will be gutted if I take off a week and end up in the rain and cold.

Don't get me wrong it is a busmans holiday to quote my mum, I will be jumping the train to visit my mum, brother, nephews and foster nephew over Easter for a couple of days and will then be driving back home in my lil car, stopping off a few places and meandering on the way back.  I might even stop off somewhere ad-hoc for an overnight stay somewhere pretty.  If I could have life my way and some more cash in my ever skinny bank account I'd head to my home town for a few days on the beach.

I feel this last little while has been all go with no fun in sight so I definitely need to stop and catch a breath.  I'd love to get a little tan while I'm at it too, not to mention shed a few lbs as it is sunny and I never want to eat when its warm and sunny - yet another good reason why I should live abroad.

I'm also feeling frisky as a bunny so I need to sort myself out and start addressing this whole single situation.

Boys Like Girls - The Great Escape

Monday 26 March 2012


Today I held two meetings and they both went fantastically.  I am sick of the sound of my own voice, but on the plus side I am confident I made the right impression.

Shattered however doesn't cut it.  I could go to bed and sleep for a week.

Thursday 22 March 2012


Spring is most certainly in the air and I definitely have that frisky 'all my problems have melted away' feeling at the moment as the sun is streaming through my window.

I've been a busy bee this last few days with case handling and negotiations at work (all of which had a positive outcome) and was away with work yesterday (5hr car trip each way) but today is the last day of my official working week and boy am I glad tomorrow is the weekend!  Admittedly I have volunteered to do some work for sport relief on Friday night which will take up a good chunk of my time off but its for a good cause so it doesn't really count.

The interesting news to note is that while driving to training yesterday a woman I work with and talk to quite a lot mentioned that her son had seen a picture of me on facebook and had asked her 'who is that hottie', I laughed and as she is relatively young suggested I was indeed classed as 'awesome' by teenage boys and put this down to 'keeping it cool for my nephews' only to find out that her son was 25!  I can't lie, I was definitely perked up by the snippet of info and then further amused in the knowledge that he had then gone on to ask her how she knew me and if I was single.  The icing on the proverbial cake however bloggers is that having later seen a photo of what he looks like, I can safely say he would reach the dizzy heights of a Ser3ndipity 8/10 so to say I was feeling a little inwardly smug yesterday is a slight understatement.

Other than that no big news, however I will be finalising insurance, parking permits etc with the car come payday and shortly after will be heading down to see the family and pick up my new toy.  Lets hope the weather holds out so I can have an epic sunglasses, music blaring, car driving moment to remember.

Dodgy - Good Enough

Sunday 18 March 2012

Jumping Back In

Mr X and I have been in touch this last little while, not vocally but via text, whattsapp and email.  It seems no matter how hard I try I will always end up allowing him back into my life.

This last little while I have been looking at the events of my life between 20-30 and despite all the trials and tribulations, you know what... I haven't done much, I've been stagnant and I haven't enjoyed it one bit.  Without a doubt I'm not going to let next 10 feel the same.  I am going to take as much from every opportunity that I can and if that means loving deeply and having my heart torn out again then I guess I will try to welcome the things I learn from the bad experiences as well as soaking up the warmth from the good.

I can't help but wonder where my life could have ended up if I had made different choices along the way these past few years.  I don't regret anything but I can't help but think I haven't exactly carved the best path from the opportunities I was presented.

This car will be a piece of freedom.  I think its about time I dusted of the Mary Poppins inside that in the past always seemed to keep me on the right path.  People tell you to settle down, lay roots, stop being so impulsive and so you listen and try to wind things in (in my case particularly in the last 5-6yrs) and yet it is clear to me now that this was the worst decision I could have made.  I'm not meant to be a 'feet on the ground' person and trying to fit that mould has in some ways forced me to suppress the things that make me great and the things that make me me.

Alone - Alyssa Reid ft Jump Smokers

Friday 16 March 2012

Junk Food Jitters

I have major cravings for junk food today!

Cheetos would be top of the list if you could still buy them mmmm cheesy goodness.  No idea why but man is my body craving crap.  Good job I'm in charge and not my stomach. 

 Helloooooo banana!
I swear if I didn't have an ounce of common sense I would be down the local shop right now stocking up on the below and eating till I felt sick (which given the list would probably be within a few mins lol)

Reeces Pieces
Raisin & Biscuit Yorkie
Cheese Doritos
Space Invaders
Hash Browns
Smokey bacon walkers
Salt & vinegar ruffles
Cheese toastie (with garlic mayo to dip)
Ginger ale
Chocolate Yazoo
Fruit pastilles


Thursday 15 March 2012

Wisdom .Tooth Style

Have any of you had your wisdom teeth come through bloggers? If so can you give me some info as I am in a world of misery this morning.

I had heard a heap of horror stories so when I realised my first was ready to come through six months or so ago I psyched myself up for trauma, however the tooth sprung through, is completely healthy and white and I thought nothing of it.   A few days ago however my second wisdom tooth on the bottom started to pop through, again looking healthy and white but so far back in my mouth that I'm not sure there is space for it.   

The question I have for you blogger is... Can having a wisdom tooth come through that is super healthy with no signs of swelling or infection around the gum cause you to gain the mother of all colds?

I feel rotten.  The tooth is making me bite my cheek and my tongue at that side and to overcompensate I must be moving my mouth in a different way that is causing me to the the exact same thing to the other side of my mouth also.  To top this off my tounge as a consequence has swollen and I have developed somewhat of a lisp.  That's right bloggers.  I've an uncontrollable lisp and a super sore jaw at the bottom of my chin that is causing me to talk like a total plonker and have issues in pronouncing things on the week I'm attending no less than 6 high-level meetings at an array of businesses amid a large percentage of people I don't know and I'm having to speak at all of them!!!

I am thinking in a week things will have settled so I'm trying not to jump the gun to get rid of a perfectly formed tooth, however I am aware it may become impacted if it tries to emerge fully at the back so I need to keep an eye on it.  Still, at the moment life is pretty unusual.

Hints and tips people... I need hints and tips.  

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Butterfly Effect

I've caught myself flirting a little with the guy in my team I had that dream about... sodding dreams making me all crazy!

Don't get me wrong I'm not doing the whole full-on bar type flirting or anything that people would notice (other than perhaps him) but for some reason I catch myself doing it and then have to internally berate myself into stopping.  It is soooo weird! I mean the guy is handsome, but not my type by a long mile and until I had that blasted dream I wouldn't have given him a second look in that way.  Don't get me wrong he is funny, intelligent and anyone I can think of in a work scenario that knows him thinks he is great, but to flirt with... shouldn't be happening!

I better get a grip of myself and wind my neck in before I find myself in a really bad situation.

Other than that things are ticking over, I'm off to city #1 later today so need to pack, tidy up a little and pray that Hooch (he has my spare keys this time to feed the kitty cats while I am away) doesn't go snooping about *shudder.  In an ideal world I wouldn't have had to ask him but he passes my flat every day on the way to/from work so it was the least hassle option.

Monday 12 March 2012

Curry & Chattage

I went out with my team yesterday after work to celebrate someone's successful secondment application.  

We headed to the new 'in' place to be which is a super fancy newly opened curry house where you can't reserve a table and due to the Indian godfather pull of one of the guys in my team (everyone wants to shake his hand) we were seating almost straight away.  We all remained sober but the conversation was witty and flowing and the evening was definitely one to be repeated in the not too distant future.  After eating so much we could barely walk the boys suggested they take we girlies to a Sheesha place not to far away to sample some more of the culture alas the bar had stopped doing Sheesha two days before due to some issues with the police and the smoking ban.

In other news as of tomorrow I'm doing a whistle stop tour of three cities in the UK with the Union part of my job to a few networking events/conferences so I'll be a busy bee but should have a few interesting blogs to follow.

For today though I am afraid this is all I have to offer in terms of blogging as I'm about to rush out the door to the library.

PS:  I bought the car :)

Wednesday 7 March 2012

KONY 2012

And you know what bloggers... click this link... go to the bottom of the page and click each face you see.  At the click of a button you can tweet a pre-designed KONY msg to each of the celebs/policy makers.  It takes a couple of seconds and for those of you who don't want to put your hands in your pocket... It's free.


So I've seen a car worth buying, its not brand new and all singing and all dancing but it would be my first car and it will keep me out of the rain.  I've managed to get the price down quite a bit (even though it was a steal to start with) but OMG how much has insurance gone up since last year?!?!

The last car I was insured on was when I was still on my provisional, it was a 4x4 2.9L turbo diesel and I paid approx £400... this year I'm on a full license just under 1yr and want to insure myself on a 1.6L 3door and the cheapest quote I can find is £689 wtf!

I'm in a quandary to overstretch myself to make it work, sell a few things and finally have my first car or cut my losses.  The thing is, the car I want is a complete bargain, it might be 10yrs old, but everything in it is practically new, it has a full service history with the dealership, one owner and approx 90K miles on the clock (a nice lil run about) but when I have negotiated that down to a bite size chunk there is no way I want to pay almost £700 in insurance.

I work my ass of with Uni and the two jobs I have but with the 101 outgoings I have, despite having no debt I'm not sure I can make the pennies stretch.  My bonus next month would cover the car/tax/parking and most of the insurance but realistically I would need it to cover everything.  Do people still buy worn panties on the net? lol

If I wiggled things and stayed on a really tight budget I could tick one of the things off the 'responsible adult' list but this summer may be a whole heap less fun.  Hmmmm maybe I should rob a bank.

Any suggestions?

Tuesday 6 March 2012

21st Century Girl

I am truly turning into a 21st century girl.  I honestly don't know where I would be without my gadgets!  I've a high spec laptop, an ultra smart phone (well two actually, one of my own and a business use iPhone4s also, I've iPods and docking stations, an Xbox, a heart rate and blood pressure monitor, electric weighing scales, a microwave, freeview, a raspberry pi, a monitor that tells me how much electricity I am using, an array of memory sticks and hard drives and of course the essential gadget for all 21st century girls... a vibrator.  I would be completely and utterly lost without electricity.

I remember when I was younger and our washing machine constituted of a massive twin tub machine that was 1 part electricity and 1 part manual labour, it took up a huge chunk of the space in the kitchen and practically took off when you were spinning your clothes out.  These days I pour in the liquid, press a button and 30mins later have clean and spun out clothes.

Similarly I remember when I used to wait almost an hour for my computer game to load.  I have a commodore 64 with a tape deck and it was so temperamental that often you would have to load a game a few times in order for the system to load - having friends round to play sometimes had to be planned a day in advance.

I genuinely think that the biggest jump however is that of the mobile phone.  When I was in my teens I would rush home from school and stretch the chord from the house phone along the hall and into one of the bedrooms to talk to my friends.  Nobody had a mobile phone until I was maybe 17 and even then it was only the 'poncy kids', a few had pagers which always amused me.  I on the other hand had a snazzy card that allowed me to go to any payphone in the UK, type in a few digits and then a code before allowing me to make a call to my house phone and my house phone alone so I could check in with my folks if needed.  These days I don't even have to pick up my phone, I just click a button on my headset say the magic words 'call mum' and a couple of seconds later I'm chatting away.

Anyway speaking of gadgets I've added a cute lil one of my own to the blog... a fuzzy blue twitter bird (he should be flying around the page as you read if you are logged in from a pc).  When he lands if you click on him he will take you to my twitter page where you can click follow and have my blog ping to your phone every time it has a new posting - happy days.

Feeder - Just The Way I'm Feeling

Monday 5 March 2012

Shiny Happy Me

I've had a mega productive day of stats analysis, report and presentation building, hearing/meeting prep and a few difficult conversations thrown into the mix but have remained cheery and chirpy throughout.

I seem to be on this Super-Serendipity movement at the moment where I am knocking my workload out of the ballpark, and am still managing to have a giggle and some time to myself of an evening to the point my boss is wandering round the differing levels giving me praise and talking about how I have made her laugh (unusual for her).

I've switched late nights (2-3am) for early mornings this month so I don't know if that has had something to do with it... lets hope it stays like this for a while either way.

Now if only I could find a way to boost my income in a similarly easy and productive way (my bank account is looking sparce already and we aren't even through week 1 of March and with a few nights out looming this month I'm going to have to do some creating accounting if I am going to make it to the 31st).

What are my up coming nights out I hear you ask... well bloggers thanks for asking!

  • Work night out with my team (dinner, drinks) this coming Sunday at a newly opened restaurant in town.
  • Cocktail and Twilight night for the release of 'Breaking Dawn - Part 1' with a couple of the girlies from work.
  • Presidents of the USA gig and drinks with people travelling into town for the show.
  • Meet with the SATC girls (event unknown)
Well as it is past my bedtime these days I shall love you and leave you with this sleepy tune.

Shawn Mullins - Lullaby

Sunday 4 March 2012

Just what the doctor ordered

I had a mega hectic week at work last week, my weekend was filled with even more work of the job and house variety amid lots of sleeping as I couldn't drag my ass out at all (poor show) to hang out with anyone and today I was back to the grind... I'm shattered.

I tell you this calorie counting, working out more, being super productive milarky is killing me!

Screw it!  I'm ordering a takeout and having a bubble bath.

I definitely need to work on inviting someone into my life that might scrub my back ;)

Zero 7 - Destiny
Tricks and Tips