Sunday 4 December 2011

The Little Matchstick Girl

I am frozen.  

I have the heating in my flat on full (which is usually great) and for some reason there is still a chill.  I am someone who gets cold hands, feet and nose quite easily but all of me is icy this evening.

I caught a chill on my way to and from work and can't seem to shake it.  I'm going to have to make a hot water bottle in a minute just for sitting on the couch.   I hope people without a home manage to find somewhere warm to sleep tonight as  I think this is as cold as it has been in a few years.  I know we aren't looking at minus temperatures but sometimes the icy wind makes it feel colder than a simple -3/4.  I'm frozen and it just started snowing again.
I've a super busy week ahead, and not one of nice things.  I suspect that I will be ready to drop come the weekend.  I already have 197 emails from last week I haven't quite managed to get through so I'm going to have to powerhouse to get back on track this week.  I can't wait till I finish Uni and I've only got one set of deadlines to manage.

On the plus side I popped into tesco on my way home and was drawn to the dessert section so I'm about to grab myself a chilling tarte au citron from the fridge :)

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