Friday 2 December 2011

Stating The Obvious

I know it is well known that what you want isn't necessarily what you need but lately something about this resonates with me.

I know what I want, or at least I think I do... Well I'm closer to knowing than I have been in the past at least.  What I need on the other hand, that seems to be something I can't get quite right.  Without stating the obvious like food, water, oxygen;  I think people rarely know what they truly need.  

Life is so complicated.  From the day we are born until the day we die we are told what to do, how to act, how not to act, what is acceptable, what isn't... we are controlled, conformed and institutionalised.  I don't know what I really think about it to be honest, I just can't help wondering if somehow, somewhere we got it all a little wrong.  

Are we too busy working towards the 'bigger picture' and striving for an ideal that we forget to live in the here and now?

Does life really have to be so complicated?

Would I want it to be simpler?

I can't help thinking that 30 is looming round the corner and I am nowhere near where I wanted to be or saw myself being at that age.  I also can't help but think that for the last 5years I have been working my ass off, chasing an ideal, stressing, worrying, straight out grinding myself down and for what?  

The last 5years have passed me by so fast.  I've been dragged down by the complexities of chasing something just out of reach and I'm not even sure what I'm looking for even exists.  

The real question is... where now?

Your Disguise - James Greenspun

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