Monday 19 December 2011

Radio Ser3ndipity

Hi all, this last few weeks have been hectic hence the lack of blog.  I will however be back and ready to blog frequently again from Friday so you lucky bloggers will have me to keep you entertained over the holidays :)

I've also decided to up the anti and run a once a month 1hr radio station for music, chat and maybe even to open up the forum for a few questions.

I'm in the process of setting up the site now but we will be good to go by Xmas.

In the mean time here is a super fast update:

To say I am lacking in enjoyment for my job at the moment is an understatement.  Luckily come New Year I can start looking for a new one as things with Uni have gone slightly awry.

I took myself off online dating around 6-8 weeks ago now purely because it doesn't seem to be the forum to find my 'type' so on to the next thing.
I am crushing a little on someone at the moment, I will tell you more when I blog later this week but it is a bit of a non-starter.

Mr X tried to get in touch in a super crappy, really annoying way so I ignored him.  OOJ tried to make me jealous in some kind of asswipe last ditch attempt to somehow make me commit to being his long-term gf.  I was not amused.

I've had 2 floods in the last little while with the winds and freak storms which due to the location of both left me without electricity for 7 days in total which was a total nightmare.  I'm going to leave this city/flat at the end of February (well that's the current plan, I'm going to think about it over Xmas).

I'm taking 4days out this year to do the family thing and spend the holidays between my mum and one of my brothers.  My other brother is invited but he doesn't seem to be putting in any effort to make it at this stage.  (I should really tell you about my brothers).

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