Saturday 31 December 2011


Not long till 2012... And in true Ser3ndipity style, we will bring it in with a straight talking blog :)

Have a great one! x

Thursday 22 December 2011

Face down in a world of tired

I can't remember ever feeling this tired.  The last few weeks have been nothing short of full-on and I swear I could sleep for a month solid.

One of my cats had to go to the vet with an emergency on Tuesday so despite today being my first day of annual leave and my train ticket to  visit family for Christmas dated tomorrow afternoon, at this moment in time I'm not sure I'm going to make it.  He seems to be feeling better in himself but has to have a lot of eye care and has a follow-up vet appointment on Xmas eve.  When I go away G-Star always comes to stay at my flat and looks the kitty cats, but I think asking him to take one of them to the vet and to also try and get eye drops into a wiggle monster twice a day is probably a bit much to ask.  I will find out tonight when he comes round to pick up keys.

With the flooding the flat has had, the days without elec and the fact I haven't been in to get anything done, today is 'cleaning day'.  I've a heap of laundry to do (first load in now), a bowl of washing up, my bedroom to tidy (there are clothes everywhere), the bathroom to give a once over, and the whole flat to hoover and mop.  G-Star is set to come between 6-7pm tonight so the aim is to have everything done by then so I can bribe him with a Domino's pizza and start getting my Christmas head on.

Dear Santa,

This Year I'd love it if you could help me out with:

  • A holiday somewhere sunny
  • A gorgeous, smart, honest, funny, successful man
  • A weight loss miracle
  • The perfect job
Bit of an adventurous list, I'm not sure I'll be very lucky.  Especially as I'm not sure I made the nice list

Monday 19 December 2011

Radio Ser3ndipity

Hi all, this last few weeks have been hectic hence the lack of blog.  I will however be back and ready to blog frequently again from Friday so you lucky bloggers will have me to keep you entertained over the holidays :)

I've also decided to up the anti and run a once a month 1hr radio station for music, chat and maybe even to open up the forum for a few questions.

I'm in the process of setting up the site now but we will be good to go by Xmas.

In the mean time here is a super fast update:

To say I am lacking in enjoyment for my job at the moment is an understatement.  Luckily come New Year I can start looking for a new one as things with Uni have gone slightly awry.

I took myself off online dating around 6-8 weeks ago now purely because it doesn't seem to be the forum to find my 'type' so on to the next thing.
I am crushing a little on someone at the moment, I will tell you more when I blog later this week but it is a bit of a non-starter.

Mr X tried to get in touch in a super crappy, really annoying way so I ignored him.  OOJ tried to make me jealous in some kind of asswipe last ditch attempt to somehow make me commit to being his long-term gf.  I was not amused.

I've had 2 floods in the last little while with the winds and freak storms which due to the location of both left me without electricity for 7 days in total which was a total nightmare.  I'm going to leave this city/flat at the end of February (well that's the current plan, I'm going to think about it over Xmas).

I'm taking 4days out this year to do the family thing and spend the holidays between my mum and one of my brothers.  My other brother is invited but he doesn't seem to be putting in any effort to make it at this stage.  (I should really tell you about my brothers).

Sunday 11 December 2011


Shattered doesn't quite cut it, this last week I've been rammed with work/deadlines and this coming week isn't much better.  *sigh

I think prince charming got lost on his way!

I feel like the walking dead.  I've two options moving forward, I can either caffine overload or take a leaf out of Elizabeth Bathory's books and start bathing in the blood of dead virgins... I think I might stick to option 1 lol

Monday 5 December 2011

If You Can't Beat Them...

If officially feels like the creep up of Christmas and with it brings the end of 2011.

So to get us in the festive spirit I thought I would give you my top 5 Christmas lists:


  1. The Holiday - A fantastic cast and a character I can relate to in Iris
  2. Elf - It doesn't matter how many times I see this, it still makes me giggle
  3. Miracle on 34th Street - A heart warming feel-good Christmas movie
  4. Home Alone 2 - My favourite of the franchise purely because of the bird lady
  5. The Muppet Christmas Carol - Who doesn't love the muppets
  1. Do They know Its Christmas - Band Aid/Band Aid 20
  2. Fairytale of New York - The Pogues
  3. All I want for Christmas is You - Mariah Carey
  4. In the bleak midwinter - Unknown
  5. Sleigh Ride - Unknown
Things to see/do
  1. Play old school boardgames with friends/family
  2. Wrap presents
  3. Build a snowman / have a snowball fight
  4. Watch the city as it becomes adorned in fairy lights
  5. Soak up the Christmas spirit when everyone becomes that little bit nicer

Sunday 4 December 2011

The Little Matchstick Girl

I am frozen.  

I have the heating in my flat on full (which is usually great) and for some reason there is still a chill.  I am someone who gets cold hands, feet and nose quite easily but all of me is icy this evening.

I caught a chill on my way to and from work and can't seem to shake it.  I'm going to have to make a hot water bottle in a minute just for sitting on the couch.   I hope people without a home manage to find somewhere warm to sleep tonight as  I think this is as cold as it has been in a few years.  I know we aren't looking at minus temperatures but sometimes the icy wind makes it feel colder than a simple -3/4.  I'm frozen and it just started snowing again.
I've a super busy week ahead, and not one of nice things.  I suspect that I will be ready to drop come the weekend.  I already have 197 emails from last week I haven't quite managed to get through so I'm going to have to powerhouse to get back on track this week.  I can't wait till I finish Uni and I've only got one set of deadlines to manage.

On the plus side I popped into tesco on my way home and was drawn to the dessert section so I'm about to grab myself a chilling tarte au citron from the fridge :)

Saturday 3 December 2011

Sleepless In Seattle

I <3 Tom Hanks.

I <3 him in almost every movie I have seen him in.

He is handsome, polite, funny and has that super kissable lip/chin thing going on.

I need to find me a Tom Hanks.

The only question I have on my mind at the moment is if I can order takeaway food and collect it from the door in my PJs with crazy ass clean but un-straightened hair (think birds nest), and no makeup??

If you haven't guessed, I'm having a bit of a Bridget Jones evening.  The singing comes next... :p

Friday 2 December 2011

Stating The Obvious

I know it is well known that what you want isn't necessarily what you need but lately something about this resonates with me.

I know what I want, or at least I think I do... Well I'm closer to knowing than I have been in the past at least.  What I need on the other hand, that seems to be something I can't get quite right.  Without stating the obvious like food, water, oxygen;  I think people rarely know what they truly need.  

Life is so complicated.  From the day we are born until the day we die we are told what to do, how to act, how not to act, what is acceptable, what isn't... we are controlled, conformed and institutionalised.  I don't know what I really think about it to be honest, I just can't help wondering if somehow, somewhere we got it all a little wrong.  

Are we too busy working towards the 'bigger picture' and striving for an ideal that we forget to live in the here and now?

Does life really have to be so complicated?

Would I want it to be simpler?

I can't help thinking that 30 is looming round the corner and I am nowhere near where I wanted to be or saw myself being at that age.  I also can't help but think that for the last 5years I have been working my ass off, chasing an ideal, stressing, worrying, straight out grinding myself down and for what?  

The last 5years have passed me by so fast.  I've been dragged down by the complexities of chasing something just out of reach and I'm not even sure what I'm looking for even exists.  

The real question is... where now?

Your Disguise - James Greenspun
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