Friday 18 November 2011

Winter Nights

Fun times have not been had by all this last little while bloggers.  My shoulder is nothing short of a royal pain in the ass, I haven't had a decent night sleep in ages and I have a cold.  All in all it is safe to say November thus far hasn't set my world on fire and has been a month of quiet contemplation.

Anyway sucking it in today I plan on having some serious Ser3ndipity time, a bath, some daytime reading, munching on stodgy feel-good food, hiding on the couch under blankets and this evening watching eclipse with a couple of glasses of vino as Red and I are heading to the cinema tomorrow afternoon to see breaking dawn. 

I love twilight.  Despite being around 10yrs too old for it, I am a complete fan.  Don't get me wrong I have always liked vampire based things since Ann Rice glamorised things with her world of indulgence and fantasy but twilight is the first thing since interview with a vampire that has managed to truly pique my interest.  The films however cheesy manage to engross me and if I could delve into a world of fantasy I'd be hard pushed to think of one I'd rather enter than that of the Cullens and the Quilettes.  Yes, true escapism and just what I need at the moment.

Christmas is just around the corner now and it looks like I shall be enjoying the festivities sucking up singledom once again.  I don't mind the single part to be honest but there is something magical about dark nights creeping in and people somehow being nicer to each other as Christmas looms that makes me yearn to walk the city streets hand in hand with a gorgeous man.

2011 so far hasn't exactly gone to plan so over the next few weeks I intend on finishing the year with a bang.  Getting out and about as much as possible, meeting new people, doing new things and laughing and having as much fun as I can cram in.  

Its time to revamp the girl behind the red door.

Answering Bell - Ryan Adams

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