Saturday 19 November 2011


OMG I'm sooooo angry!

I think I've mentioned this before but I stay in touch with Mr X sister, we never talk about Mr X in any way shape or form and I never ask how he is doing.  Its not something we overtly avoid (for example she may mention they went to the mall together that day etc.) but it is never brought up as a subject for discussion and I think that is why we are able to stay friends as the two things have always been completely seperate.

Anyway last night when we were talking she mentioned something which she doesn't normally do about Mr X and I let her know we still weren't talking.  That was it, no conversation and no details. 

Today she is at the cinema to see Breaking Dawn (with Mr X as her hubby won't go with her) and as we both love all things twilight she text me a photo of her tickets from the cinema.  We had a bit of banter via text and then out of the blue 10mins later she text me 'Mr X says hello'.  I mean WTF!

The guy is a total ass, then completely ignores me and drops off the planet never asking how I am or what is going on, acting as if I never existed and then all of a sudden he asks his sister to say hi to me?!?!  What a fucking asshole!  

To try and make you understand how irritated that has made me feel... Imagine going to a restaurant, having the perfect evening, great food, great drink superb service etc.  and then when it comes to paying the bill deciding to leave a 20p tip.  Its 1000% worse than no tip at all.

Needless to say I thanked her for trying to be sweet but told her not to reciprocate and if he asked why to tell him to stick his hello in no uncertain terms up his ass.  Fucking moron!  I hope he chokes on his popcorn!
Bad Reputation - Joan Jett

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