Sunday 27 November 2011

Game On

It became apparent today at work that one of the other managers working in my  operational area has decided to climb his way to the top by trying to make a fool out of me in order to make himself look better.

Normally this would wash right over me, however as stupid as this guy is, thus far he has shown enough cunning to gain some buy-in.  I'm not going to lie, I was irked at work today when I realised the situation that had the potential to unfold before my eyes and I didn't really deal with it in the best way, however I didn't do anything drastic either.

It is hard enough in this world to get along without other people trying to drag you down in order to make themselves look better.  I've never done it, I hope I never will and the last person that tried to do that to me well... Long story short - I worked my ass off, got promoted ahead of him and then fired his ass.  Ruthless?  Yes.  Uncalled for?  Perhaps.  Completely and utterly satisfying?  Of course!  And I haven't lost a moments sleep over it since.

Tomorrow I will reassess the situation with a fresh pair of eyes to make sure I haven't missed anything.  I will ask the right questions, direct questions from the right people and I will make sure my facts are straight before making a move.  I have two days as the guy (we shall call him Austin - he has extremely bad teeth and only in the last six months has he started to brush his teeth.  Before you would have to hold your breath as he spoke as it smelt so bad) isn't back in work until Wednesday.

Needless to say, if it does turn out that this urchin is trying to make a fool of me, I will be dealing with it head on.  I might not be an aggressive person, but this whole 'sticks and stones' so ignore it mentality is utter bullshit.  

Game on you utter prick.  Game on!

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