Friday 30 September 2011

Taxed to Death

Today is council tax day... Due to things being a bit crazy with Uni last month and this month I've had to pay council tax on my flat and all I can say is HURRAH for me being exempt next month.

It is crazy insane how much council tax is, especially if you live on your own.  I pay almost a 3rd of my rent again on council tax and that is after the 25% single persons discount.  I don't even really know what council tax goes on. I'm not the most politically minded blogger (unlike some I know).  I know we are taking refuse collection, parks, street cleaning but come on... surely that doesn't all add up to a 3rd of my rent all over again.

I don't mind my income based tax, I don't even really have qualms with tax on luxury purchases such as cars, booze etc.  but to tax the ass out of me in this way never fails to irk me.  *sigh.

I was reading in the times yesterday that Britain has fallen from grace and is now polled as the 'worst place to live in europe' looking at taxes, holiday time, working hours, cost of living and you know what... I can believe it.  The Irish pay almost £6 a pint and not even they get shafted the same way we do with council tax.  Saying that, apparently France is 'the place to be' and I'm not sure I agree with that either.

More money for living and less money taken in ways that don't assess income is what I say.  My outgoings this month before any cash can be spared for fun things like ohhhh I don't know... food!  Is enough to bring me out in a cold sweat and in relation to many other people I'm pretty fortunate in that I have a decent job all be it part time.

It may not be Rex Manning day people but all I have to say is 'Damn the Man, Save the Empire'

Money For Nothing - Dire Straits

Wednesday 28 September 2011

A Lemon Date

Could it be possible I have just fallen victim to the 'lemon law' before making it on the actual date?

Date #2  text early this morning to say that something had come up and he wouldn't be able to meet tonight, he was sorry and is there sometime next week that is good for me.  

I don't really know where to go with this, I mean we hadn't really arranged anything in stone so the cancellation text was for something I wasn't aware we had really arranged.  Also why text at all if you aren't interested or swap numbers in the first place, and why then finish the text with 'when can we meet next week' if you aren't keen.  On the same hand, why cancel at all and why did we never actually arrange something fully?

Hmmmm I believe bloggers that this online dating milarky may be shark infested custard.  I am in two minds about dater #2 as he seems my kind of guy so he is either not interested or is quite unconfident about meeting in which case... why?

Anyway I decided to throw the ball back in his court and have said for him to let me know where/when he is thinking and I will see if I can wiggle things to meet.  This way I figure if it was a polite cancellation he won't text again (although how that came about it anyones guess) and if he is genuinely interested but just nervous or something actually came up... he will be sure any suggestion he makes is somewhat set in stone.

Date #1 is going down on Monday of next week.

For those of you who have either been in relationships a long while or have never really stepped into the world of the dater, but rather fumbled from one relationship to another I thought I would introduce you to the 'lemon law' something that before I met Mr X and was well and truly playing the field came in handy.  Maybe Date #2 should have been familiar with this law, in which case he could have saved me at least 30seconds of deliberation.

So here it is bloggers, the lemon law.  The one and only get out of jail free dating card a 21st century girl/guy needs.

1. In the first 5 minutes of a date you have to decide if you want to commit to a entire night. If not, you simply lemon law them and walk out. Guy: Yeah, I work at Burger King- Girl: You know, this isn't going to work out. I'm going to have to Lemon Law you. Goodbye!

2. The rule to decide if you want to spend the rest of your date with that person in the first 10 minutes.
Dude i thought the the date was going well but i guess not because after about 10 minutes she said sorry you've been lemon lawed and she left.
Hit The Road Jack - Ray Charles (Loose Cannons Remix)

Tuesday 27 September 2011

First Dates

So minor blip in meting date #1, the truth is we are both a little freaked out by a revelation facebook style.

It is Walliams birthday today so I posted something on his wall late last night sharing a joke about the shouching incident.  Anyway his gf sent me a message so when going to her page to reply I noticed... Date #1 is listed down the side of her page (new facebook layout) as her cousin!  Anyway through a similar action date #1 also realised the common friend we have and that along with a couple of other things has meant we have decided to delay a meet.  It may sound a little odd to you guys but I'm pretty glad we are delaying/cancelling.

Other than that no real dating news, Date #2 and I have yet to set the time/place but so far we are still meeting this Wed or Thurs and I have to say I am quite nervous about this one as I do think he is pretty hot/funny at the moment, well as hot/funny as he could be having not met.  

A few other people have emailed and 135 people who meet the criteria I've set for them to see my profile have apparently said they are interested... I on the other hand am not so much lol.

Wonka is emailing guys like it is going out of fashion, she was here for a couple of hours yesterday and emailed 7 in that time as she liked the look of them.  Her first and only scheduled date is still this Saturday.  Red similarly seems to be logged in a lot but is being more selective and has a date scheduled in 5 weeks when a guy gets back from offshore (I'd hate to talk to someone several times a day for 5 weeks when I've never met them... too much info being exchanged with someone you barely know for my liking).  A male friend I have has also decided to join the dating revolution and signed up to the same site this weekend.

Ironically despite me being the one rallying people along I seem to be logged in for hmmm 10mins once a day, have emailed barely anyone and aren't overly blown away with it all.  I do appear however to be beginning to develop a catalogue of first dates.

Sunday 25 September 2011

All Systems Go

I have had such a great weekend (Fri/Sat).  I caught up with Red and Wonka (neither of which I have seen for about a month), spoke with a few friends who live overseas, have revamped my hair a little and have an entire Sunday for mooching, housework and trashy tv having started my day with men and thighs watching the Scotland rugger match.

So on Friday Wonka told me a month ago, so just after we last met she signed up for online dating on match and match affinity and yes.... also the online site I've put myself on.  Anyway it was great news because she logged into all sites and let me see who she was chatting to what kind of interest she had stirred etc.  

Wonka is 5yrs younger than I but in many respects leads a more logical and settled older person kind of life.  Don't get me wrong in most respects I have the edge of maturity but I tend to come at life in a rather fun and haphazard way which is completely different to wonka.  I'm trying to think of an example for you... Ok I have never seen wonka wear a t-shirt or any item of clothing that I wouldn't describe as 'smart/casual', even the look she describes as 'quirky' when we go out is still in that catagory.  Anyway needless to say her profile is completely different to mine and the guys emailing her are too.  They all seem slightly unconfident a little tubby (and no there is nothing wrong with tubby), balding and also quite well... I'd describe them as dull.  She seems happy with the results though so good for her.

Wonka is talking to maybe 3 people at the moment and her first date next Saturday - she is meeting a guy for coffee. 

Red who told me she had signed up for the site a week ago turned up at mine last night with no sign up having taken place as she said she wanted me to help.  Anyway I sat with her as she pimped her profile and she did a pretty good job if you ask me, quite witty and very... Red.

She stayed logged in from like 8ish when she went 'public' and by the time she left at like 2:30am she had received quite a lot of interest and had emailed a rather hot guy back and fourth several times (probably more in the one evening than I had emailed either of my two potential dates in the week).  The guys she attracted last night were older (Red is older me at 36 although she looks maybe 31/32), or young and rather boring.  However the one she emailed back and forth with is 30ish, athletic, tall, European looking and has suuuuuper white teeth.  The downside is his profile says he is a non-drinker.  Not that either of us are alcohol dependant but I couldn't date someone who never drank I don't think.

Anyway Red text this morning and a coffee date is on the cards.

I've not really been online much but have had a few emails. Nothing from anyone of interest.  I have however now swapped mobile numbers with Date number 2 for next week.  He text me a couple of times but I am pretty secure that neither of us is going to go crazy with texting etc unless we hit it off and if we don't am confident numbers will mutually be deleted.

Red and Wonka have both seen my potential dates and the good news is that despite the webiste doing the whole 'if you look at someone they can see and will look back' thing, neither of the girls have had any interest from my dates which at the very least means they aren't playing the numbers game.

The Code
As Red downloaded some Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton last week we listened to Joline and The Gambler last night and thus our dating code has been set.
We will let each other know where we are at any given time until we are completely sure we are safe (prob several dates in).  

  • To text Joline means the date is going well and all is safe.  
  • To text Kenny Rogers means the date is a wash out and you need 'get me out of here' help.

The question:  I challenge you bloggers to find a photo on google that looks like how you imagine me to look and to post the URL link in the comments.  I'm curious to know what you think I look like :p

Kenny Rogers - The Gambler

Thursday 22 September 2011


So out of the four guys I've had e-conversations with since joining the site, two have now asked me out on a date so Monday and Wednesday next week are date days.  Monday is a coffee and Wednesday is drinks at a bar.  That's a 50/50 conversion bloggers and in anyone's book, that ain't bad.

I have to say I've got mixed feelings about them.  Both guys are actually pretty nice and I don't have any of the worries that I imagine are sometimes associated with online dating surrounding security etc.

Monday - Coffee
Date one is with a guy who I crossed paths with years ago before I started dating Mr X who messaged me on the site to say hi and I recognised.  I'm pretty good with faces and so despite the fleeting way in which we met had remembered him and what he was working as at the time, he on the other hand only realised who I was once I jerked his memory.  Anyway he is a year younger than me, has a secure job he has been working his way up in for a few years now.  Seems to be pretty close with his family and is living at home to save for a mortgage at the moment (which as 'ooooooo living with his folks' is seems to be a bit of a theme in the city I live in as to get on the property ladder you need all the help you can get to save).  
Looks wise he fits into the tall, dark category as his family are Greek so he has a hint of that look about him.

Wednesday - Drinks
Date two is with someone completely new.  In the messages we have exchanged he is pretty witty if a little candid, however any concerns I had about him being illusive were subsided when he suggested we hook up on facebook (makes sense as you get a feel for someone, get to make sure they are who they say they are if they have a full profile, lots of friends and photos from a few years ago and are easily deleted).  Anyway he is exactly the picture he painted and we seem to have a lot in common.  He also peeked through my photos and noticed we actually stayed in the same hotel in Gran Canaria a few years ago which made me chuckle a little.  He must have liked what he saw anyway as after we swapped facebook he suggested we meet up and so drinks it is.
Looks wise he is a little more my type than Monday's date.  He isn't as tall but still clears 6ft, has dark hair and green eyes but has that whole laid back funky look nailed.  He wears the kind of clothing I love on guys and is into the whole chunky accessory thing.

Other than the two dates lined up I've spoken to a few people and to be honest I'm pleasantly surprised at how many normal people seem to be on the site.  Don't get me wrong there are plenty just looking for a hook up but I don't have that down as what I am looking for so other than the occasional punt of an email the site seems to be working perfectly for me.

I think I've had around 50 people say they are interested and around 30-35 have emailed me to start a conversation.  I've probably replied to 10-15 once and maybe 6-7 a few times.  Its a fantastic way of weaning out the people that you aren't attracted to or bore you with minimal effort.  Don't get me wrong, I'm sure I will hit a snag somewhere along the road as right now it all seems... well, a little too easy if I'm honest.

Maybe I should invest in a little black book ;)

Mr Big - To Be With You

Wednesday 21 September 2011

You've Got Mail

Ok so in the last few days I've been forced to take time off work (yes again) due to my shoulder which has allowed for a heap of time to think over things, make plans and well... try to keep the boredom at bay.  Mum was here the last week helping to do things around the house I've been struggling to do with limited movement and so I've not been able to report back but she left yesterday so here you go.

I've revamped my CV and have decided to start actively looking for something new this coming week.  I'm thinking a change in location would be a great thing and this time around, a change in country again.  
As for the current job, well following yet another change in drugs as my shoulder is a sodding mess (6 different types of pills now??!!), another x-ray and ultrasound yesterday, a pending MI scan and a meeting with a consultant somewhere in the next six weeks to discuss an operation my boss is popping over tomorrow for a chat.

I've not spent a great amount of time with friends this last few weeks as doing anything is a total nightmare at the moment but this Saturday Red is coming over for dinner and deliberation of our new joint venture (coming up), Wonka is popping over for a coffee and a catchup on Friday,  I'm planning on heading down to stay with Herb and Barron for the England/Scotland Rugby match at the end of the month and a few other people are going to pop over and say hi next week also.

Love Life
And here is the one you will love bloggers.  Four days ago having spoken to Mr X's sister (we talk all the time but its great as we never talk about Mr X and never share what we talk about with him either), lets call her... Cilla. 

Well Cilla has been putting the pressure on the last month or so for me to start dating again and add that to several conversations with Wonka and Red who seem to be jumping from one ass to another over and over again (Red getting involved with guys who are married or in relationships and Wonka swooning intensely over any guy to show her some interest) I finally decided that yes, it is time to jump back on the dating wagon.  No dipping my toe in but to just throw on my size 4 wellington boots and wade in.

Mum and I rented a car one day she was here and long story short the guy who came to pick us up and organised our rental (a gorgeous 28yr old 6ft3 law graduate about to head back to Uni for his final year - a conversion to become a solicitor) asked a few completely unrelated questions and has since text to ask if I want to meet for a drink.  He is away for the next 2 weeks on a placement but we have arranged to meet when he is back.

I have also (along with Red and soon to be Wonka) have placed myself on a free online dating site.  I joined 4 days ago and set quite strict criteria so the weirdo's and nut jobs can't get in contact, and have made myself a promise to avoid any possibility of me talking to guys with no intention of meeting.  I have spoken to maybe 4 guys on the site a few times over the last few days and have a date next week lined up already. 

So as you can see bloggers, while I have been away from the land of blogging a lot has gone down in the last week and I think the blog (and my life) may be in for a rollercoaster ride over the next few weeks :D

I am loving this song at the moment!
Sonny J - Can't Stop Moving

Sunday 18 September 2011


I've had mum here this last week helping me with things as my shoulder is making even the simplest task a nightmare at the moment, hence the lack of blogging.

She leaves on Tuesday so expect to see a couple of interesting blogs after this as bloggers I do indeed have news and gossip :)

Hope you missed me


Sunday 11 September 2011

Thighs & High Temperatures

Feel rotten today, I've a super high temperature like mega-high and as grim as it is I am perspiring from every pore on my body, not just the usual ones.  I swear I'm as wet as a frog to touch but ironically I'm not red.

I've a shopping delivery arriving in the next hour and so to compensate for the fact I look like I may have just run a marathon... I've changed into my gym clothing and am hoping this will help minimise the humiliation of the situation.

Yep today for me is all change.  I had planned to meet up with 6/8 friends, go for lunch and drinks at 2ish and then in all honesty, just have a really great, relaxed, boozy Saturday.

In reality I am now going to shower 3/4 times, eat anything and everything that requires no more cooking than 15mins, test all comfortable lying angles of each of my couches, watch trash tv, take copious amounts of paracetamol to try and reduce my temperature, and drink my own body weight in water.

On the up side I am loving the fact the rugby is on every morning, hot tall sweaty men with peachy asses and thighs of steel.  My Friday was definitely made by the requirement of Sonny Williams having to change his top on pitch during the All Blacks, Tonga match on Friday.

I'm about to head into work which is then meant to be followed by a few drinks in the pub with a couple of the boys but I have a funny feeling I am going to struggle to get through my shift let alone make it to our favourite after work haunt.  This shoulder situation is really starting to get on my nerves!

I can't just get up, shower, do my makeup and put on whichever clothes I fancy based on the weather outside noooooooooo, that would make it way too easy.  No, I have to get up, take a seriously careful shower so not to dislocate anything.  Put on one handed minimal makeup (lets face it, one handed makeup application is difficult, especially for a girl who lives for eyeliner), and then put on clothes from my 'wide arm, short sleeve' collection, which are the only options with restricted arm movement and a really unattractive shoulder brace.

Yes bloggers, I am nothing but glamour these days

Thursday 8 September 2011

Starter for 10

As I need to be thrifty the next few months if I am going to save enough to get away somewhere in November it got me thinking about where I spend my money at the moment.  Don't get me wrong, I don't have heaps of debt and maxed out credit cards; in fact I have one and the balance is currently £23.71 but I never manage to create that little pot of savings gold like so many people I know, obviously trying to juggle paying for Uni, my flat and everything else with only a part-time job (however well paid it may be) but if I am going to get away I need to at least work on a small stack.

So... To help me in this I decided I would look at the last 10 items I bought that weren't essentials and cost over £10 and see where that took me.  To my shame it is taking me a while to recall what I spent my hard earned £££ on so it is clear that I definitely need to reign in my spending.

Here is the list so far for your reading pleasure:

As you can see, this is clearly not an essential, but it is soooo pretty.  I went through a phase a few years ago of spending quite a lot on lingerie, it always makes you look better, it makes you feel sexy and I've never dated a guy/girl who didn't approve of my vice. 

I stumbled upon a band a few months ago called Boyce Avenue and since have ripped their albums which I have been listening to quite a lot and a couple of weeks ago I bought tickets to a gig they are playing later this year.  You know me, I love music so while this isn't essential, it is a feel-good purchase.

Pirates of the Caribbean xbox game.  The sole reason for this purchase was to keep me sane when I was forced to take some time off work.  What I could do  to entertain myself was limited due to the crazy ass effects of the pain killers, but this bad-boy game definitely helped to subdue the boredom.  

I decided I need a change of hair so I've had a little squinty fringe cut in and have bought various hair dyes to transform me to a vibrant read head.  I'd be lying if I said the photo I've put here isn't almost the exact hairstyle I have decided to replicate.  Maybe 7years ago now I had this hair so this is blast from the past hair transformation money.

Five... Already struggling to think of things (oh dear)
A takeout.  I definitely spent at least £10 in takeout food when I was off work.  My shoulder was super sore so cooking was out, my repertoire in the house was an on-toast selection or noodles which wore thin very quickly and definitely required pizza delivery.  Mmmmm peperoni and pineapple :)

Boyce Avenue - Every Breath

Wednesday 7 September 2011


Do you ever get that feeling that you have somehow, out of nowhere have stepped into a very deep puddle and are having to tread water to survive?

The last two days so many things have cropped up that are causing me a set of mini nightmares.

  • I've two hearings to conduct at work that require a considerable amount of time to prepare and can't wait so I need to take work home tonight.
  • As OH have decided I shouldn't be in work I am on a deadline to clear anything and everything of any importance this week as next week the official report will come through and from talks with my boss I think I am going to be sent home for anything up to 8weeks (until after I go to my appointment with the orthopedic surgeon)
  • Two days ago I received a letter from a company that preludes a debt collectors for an amount totalling £27.31 for council tax for my old flat (both Walliams and I were students the entire time we lived there), which is taking forever and a day to sort out.  Don't get me wrong, I could call and pay the amount straight away, but why the hell should either of us pay something we aren't liable for.  The most irritating part is that neither of us had heard anything from the council tax office to suggest there was an issue prior to receiving this very strongly worded letter from a third party company.  In fact, quite to the contrary we both have letters on headed paper from the council exempting us from council tax until May 2013!
  • Things with Uni are all over the place and I seem to be fighting the system and to be honest I'm not sure I can be bothered.
  • My flat also looks like a bomb site.  As someone who is usually somewhat OCD about cleanliness, with my shoulder things have had to take a back seat in recent months and my flat has officially hit a peak of despair   Would it be wrong to call in a professional cleaning service for a couple of hours next week to get the place tip top again?
I feel like Dory in finding Nemo... just keep moving, just keep moving!

Sunday 4 September 2011

Take Me Away

I need a holiday.  Some sunshine.  Time by the ocean.  Holiday.

I had a look online today and if I could think of a few other people that have some spare cash and AL left for the year a 3 bed appartment with private heated pool and hot tub in Lanzarote would only be a hundred or so pounds each.

Its so difficult these days to organise holidays.  A group of my friends do festivals each year instead of a holiday, those in couples tend to do coupleish getaways, another group are into the club 18-30 party all night Ibiza, Magaluf type holidays that I don't really fancy and so that leaves me with a really mixed group of people. 

The last few holidays I've been on were with a group of guys from work and I've had a great time, but I'd definitely like to do something where I wasn't the only girl this time.  Don't get me wrong, despite my love of eyeliner, hair straighteners and all things girly, the lack of bitching involved in a holiday with the lads is definitely more relaxed but not what I fancy this time around.

Ten days somewhere with its own pool and hot tub, in the sunshine, with a group of great people would be just what the doctor ordered.  BBQ, few drinks, good chat, bathing in the pool to keep cool, heading out for a few meals and a couple of nights on the town for cocktails - bliss!

I really should get my thinking cap on and see if anyone springs to mind that might be free, willing and have the money to head somewhere in November.

You sure none of you blog readers own a private yacht or island you want to lend me?

PS:  Still looking for help to make the initial picture on my blog large again... msg me if you know how.

Kid Rock - All Summer Long

Friday 2 September 2011

Do you want to come back for coffee? (LIVE)

11:30  As I type I am currently sat at a table in the corner of a funky little coffee shop a few mins walk from my flat.  I plan on being here for a few hours and so will update the blog as the day goes on.

I've ordered an iced coffee so I can sit back, relax and casually sip my beverage as any potential 'hotties' enter without braving gone cold warm milk.   I didn't put a crazy amount of thought into my outfit, however I'd be lying if I said there wasn't some consideration into my somewhat sheer off the shoulder jumper accompanied by denim skirt and of course, converse trainers.  I had debated that the look be a bit too young, but in reality, this is what I like to wear and so I figured what the hell.  I am also sporting my reading glasses which I have to admit do make me look a little saucy.

12:30  Lunchtime rush seems to be upon us so I'll report back in a while...
13:23  I've had a few smiles across the room so far, I think this is mainly due to the eye catching cover of the book I have chosen to read.  Not only is it eye catching, but the cunning title is definitely one that draws attention and to top it off... a really interesting read.
13:47  It appears that my sex-driven people book was used in a photo shoot with Robert Pattinson in vanity fair a year or so ago, how do I know this?  Because a rather foxy looking woman called Katie at a nearby seat just asked me if the book was any good and told me so.  Apparently Katie has also ear marked this coffee house as a good pick-up place and I now have it on good authority that if you are willing to play the waiting game the possibility of receiving a napkin with a few digits written on is indeed viable.
18:27  Well it was an interesting coffee shop day, a few random people spoke to me but all in all I think I caught up on my reading rather than snagging a hot guy/girl for my amusement. 
Tricks and Tips