Monday 25 July 2011

Taking Control

I got no sleep last night, my flat is verging on a bomb site as my shoulder has been so sore I can barely keep on top of the housework and yet somehow... amidst it all, I had some kind of revelation, ass into gear moment early this morning and I have had a great day.

I woke up and decided that when life gets you caught in a rut you can either settle and see where it takes you fighting mildly or you can revamp, change the goal posts and set yourself a new path.  I've decided to go with the new path.  I'll fill you in on the details tomorrow as I'm meeting someone who I think will want to go in the same direction and so we can help each other, until then, lets just say I'm of the belief that if you decide to do something you jump in with both feet, take no prisoners and don't finish until you have success and that is firmly where I intend to go.

I was in such a great mood at work that I had a super productive day also, I got all my admin completed, I managed to write my 6 page 4,000 word prep for my IPR next month and managed to have some pretty successful conversations about moving my role forward also.

Yep, all in all it has been a great day.

Also Herb turned 30 and so I've amused myself with picking on her old age most of the afternoon/evening while working and so that has helped to pass the time.  Still really need to get something awesome for her present and ASAP as I'm jetting down for her b'day this Thursday.

LMC Vs U2 - Take me to the Clouds above

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