Monday 4 July 2011

Coach Trip

Dislocated shoulder again today.

Work meeting tomorrow in a different city and as non-union related work are paying for us to travel by... coach!  5am start just to get there on time and then back on Wednesday afternoon.  They've probably put us up in a hostel too LOL  Are they a small company?  No, multi-billion pound.  No wonder!

Flight booked for visiting Herb for her 30th birthday and train booked for trip needed for our school reunion (tradition in my home town is that it happens the year everyone turns 30 and then again when everyone turns 40)  I'll be sitting smug as one of the rare few still 29 when it happens.

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooo can't be bothered to go tomorrow!

Dolly Parton - Working 9 - 5  (Don't judge me)

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