Wednesday 20 July 2011


So if you were a superhero which superhero skill/talent would you want?

Invisibility would allow you to creep about and listen into peoples conversations, it would also mean you could take/look at things without people being able to see you, avoid anyone you want and well and truly have some time-out time when needed.  I do think I would get bored of this after a while, and what happens if you get hit by a truck while invisible, who would help?  No I don't think this is the superhero skill for me.

Flying would mean you could get to anywhere without transport and if you could fly fast I guess you could holiday whenever you wanted to.  How great would it be to get ready in the morning and be at work in less than 5mins, saying that I'm not sure flight hair would be a good look.  I think my hair plus the ability to fly would give a whole other meaning to the phrase wind-swept.  No, not for me.

Strength is a weird one, I mean does any woman ever think 'Wow I'd love to be super buff', other than the 'roid ones I mean.  Don't get me wrong, It would be cool to never have to ask someone to open a jar for me, or have to struggle up the stairs to my flat carrying shopping three times as heavy as me but really... No I'm not so sure.  I like that guys are stronger than girls.  Don't get me wrong, I'm all for equality but would I want to be stronger than the person I'm dating?  I think not.

Prediction, now there is a superhero power of interest.  The ability to predict the date of my death, the name of the guy/girl I end up with, if I will have children, and yes, the Euro Millions numbers next time there is a rollover.  I do think that this would be one you would need to watch yourself with though, how much mischief could you get up to if you could predict the future...  Heaps :)

Shapeshifting however would be my superhero power of choice.  I mean you could work this power to gain many of the benefits of the others... It just takes creativity.  

I could shapeshift into a bee or a bird for short distances and for long ones... Turn myself into a member of cabin crew or a superstar needing the use of my private jet.  I wouldn't be able to predict the future but I would be able to gain access to insider information to give me most the benefits you would look to reap from this, why I could even turn myself into the CEO of the company and give myself a pay increase.  For invisibility I could turn myself into anything that would merge into the background, a bee, a spider, anything!  And as for strength, the options for shapeshifting into something or someone to complete the task are endless.  Yes bloggers shapeshifting is for me.

Now, all that's left is for me to find some kind of nuclear reactor that will allow me to get what I want.
I can't help but love this guy.
Charlie Simpson - Down Down Down


  1. I would go for unlimited telekinesis.
    The ability to move anything with your mind.. no skirt would be safe lol


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