Sunday 31 July 2011


My future partner in crime (not a guy) is coming round today to work out a few 'bigger picture' ideas this afternoon, I'll tell you tomorrow what this master plan is.

I can see the day either being a great success that runs over and ends with both of us tipsy, wound up like a jack-in-the-box ready to pop OR, we will realise how different we are and this partnership will see its first tests.  We don't know each other well at all, but for several reasons it was an obvious choice.  Again, I will explain all tomorrow.

Other things going on...

I didn't make it to Herb's birthday due to my shoulder popping out and a doctor giving me a seriously harsh and long lecture about NOT flying.  Gutted.  I have a few days off work though which will come in handy after today so there is a silver lining.

I answered my door yesterday morning to a Tesco delivery man, he had 3 bags of shopping for me (contents:  pineapple, strawberry's, chocolate, wine) I hadn't ordered anything so I told him this, OOJ's name was on the receipt.

Here is a peach of a song with a sample you will love, deffo the tune for this Sunday, the start of the rest of my life :)

London Bus Stop Ft T-Rex - Bang A Gong

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Big Ideas... Massive Plans

Ok so all systems are go.  In the next week or so I will let you in on the plan as I need to iron out a few details, but for now I'll say that I'm about to enter into a 'no prisoners' venture and if I manage to pull it off my CV will have a whole new fabby angle for my move to the States.

Work was pretty good today, I got a heap done, managed to have a few giggles along the way and the sun was shining.

My shoulder however is the ultimate downside, I swear I'm going to become a painkiller addict at this rate.  It pops out all the time, is really narky 90% of the time, I'm getting no sleep and to subside the aching a little bit I am now on 2 to 4 500mg cocodamol tablets a day.  I can take up to 8 so I'm nowhere near the limit but for someone who doesn't like to take paracetamol I'm like mr sodding soft on them.  I deffo need to double up on the dosage to kill the pain but at the same time doing that will make me about as much use as a chocolate fire-guard.  I've got an appointment tomorrow to go back to the doctors and harass them for a fix rather than sodding pills - I feel they will send me packing with another stretchy elastic 'exercise your shoulder for another 8months' band.  Teraband my arse!

The Verve - The Drugs Don't Work

Monday 25 July 2011

Taking Control

I got no sleep last night, my flat is verging on a bomb site as my shoulder has been so sore I can barely keep on top of the housework and yet somehow... amidst it all, I had some kind of revelation, ass into gear moment early this morning and I have had a great day.

I woke up and decided that when life gets you caught in a rut you can either settle and see where it takes you fighting mildly or you can revamp, change the goal posts and set yourself a new path.  I've decided to go with the new path.  I'll fill you in on the details tomorrow as I'm meeting someone who I think will want to go in the same direction and so we can help each other, until then, lets just say I'm of the belief that if you decide to do something you jump in with both feet, take no prisoners and don't finish until you have success and that is firmly where I intend to go.

I was in such a great mood at work that I had a super productive day also, I got all my admin completed, I managed to write my 6 page 4,000 word prep for my IPR next month and managed to have some pretty successful conversations about moving my role forward also.

Yep, all in all it has been a great day.

Also Herb turned 30 and so I've amused myself with picking on her old age most of the afternoon/evening while working and so that has helped to pass the time.  Still really need to get something awesome for her present and ASAP as I'm jetting down for her b'day this Thursday.

LMC Vs U2 - Take me to the Clouds above

Friday 22 July 2011


I've hit a bit of a blog stale-mate and can't for the life of me think of a topic to write about.  Harvey's funeral is later today so I don't think that is helping.

Anyway, write me some suggestions and I'll blog you guys later x

Wednesday 20 July 2011


So if you were a superhero which superhero skill/talent would you want?

Invisibility would allow you to creep about and listen into peoples conversations, it would also mean you could take/look at things without people being able to see you, avoid anyone you want and well and truly have some time-out time when needed.  I do think I would get bored of this after a while, and what happens if you get hit by a truck while invisible, who would help?  No I don't think this is the superhero skill for me.

Flying would mean you could get to anywhere without transport and if you could fly fast I guess you could holiday whenever you wanted to.  How great would it be to get ready in the morning and be at work in less than 5mins, saying that I'm not sure flight hair would be a good look.  I think my hair plus the ability to fly would give a whole other meaning to the phrase wind-swept.  No, not for me.

Strength is a weird one, I mean does any woman ever think 'Wow I'd love to be super buff', other than the 'roid ones I mean.  Don't get me wrong, It would be cool to never have to ask someone to open a jar for me, or have to struggle up the stairs to my flat carrying shopping three times as heavy as me but really... No I'm not so sure.  I like that guys are stronger than girls.  Don't get me wrong, I'm all for equality but would I want to be stronger than the person I'm dating?  I think not.

Prediction, now there is a superhero power of interest.  The ability to predict the date of my death, the name of the guy/girl I end up with, if I will have children, and yes, the Euro Millions numbers next time there is a rollover.  I do think that this would be one you would need to watch yourself with though, how much mischief could you get up to if you could predict the future...  Heaps :)

Shapeshifting however would be my superhero power of choice.  I mean you could work this power to gain many of the benefits of the others... It just takes creativity.  

I could shapeshift into a bee or a bird for short distances and for long ones... Turn myself into a member of cabin crew or a superstar needing the use of my private jet.  I wouldn't be able to predict the future but I would be able to gain access to insider information to give me most the benefits you would look to reap from this, why I could even turn myself into the CEO of the company and give myself a pay increase.  For invisibility I could turn myself into anything that would merge into the background, a bee, a spider, anything!  And as for strength, the options for shapeshifting into something or someone to complete the task are endless.  Yes bloggers shapeshifting is for me.

Now, all that's left is for me to find some kind of nuclear reactor that will allow me to get what I want.
I can't help but love this guy.
Charlie Simpson - Down Down Down

Monday 18 July 2011


So one of you emailed me for a cheerier blog, my mind is all over the place just now so rather than be concise and make sense, I'm just gonna give you the rambling nonsense that is in my head at the moment.

I think I'm addicted to spinach.  I can't get enough of the stuff!  Some people crave chocolate, some crisps but me, of late... Spinach.  I think I might be popeye.

Ok so, I've been thinking.  Thirty is looming and time is ticking and I can't get the film 'The Switch' out my head.  I'm thinking I might go for a fertility test and either look into getting some of my eggs frozen this year, or perhaps start saving the cash needed for the whole sperm donor thing.  Am I insane? I mean have I completely lost it?

I'm debating changing my hair... again.  For those of you who haven't read my previous blog I pretty much change my hair or want to change my hair every second week.  In the last 12months I've been blonde, black, and brunette and now.  Now I'm thinking I want to go bright red.  I'm also thinking I'm going to do that this weekend.

As roller derby is out until my shoulder is fixed I'm thinking I need something else that is funky to do, I'm thinking maybe some kind of like alternative dance class, street type funky stuff (ideas welcome).  Well, that or something else equally random.

I got an email from a local bar saying they are starting open mic nights so I'm going to get something ready and go and do it.

A happy tune just for you reader:
Paul Oakenfold - Starry Eyed Surprise

Sunday 17 July 2011


Its too hot!!  I can't sleep.  I haven't slept well in almost a week.  I'm lethargic and restless at the same time...


Friday 15 July 2011

I Will Think Of You

Harvey died today.  

He passed away this afternoon, I think he just gave in and decided to stop fighting as soon as they told him he was going to lose.  What a brave little boy. What a cruel world.

Too Young To Die

My oldest Nephew found out one of his best friends who has been fighting leukaemia the last 10 years has just been told treatment has failed this time around and he has only a few weeks to live.  He's only 16.

It's such an unbelievable thing to grasp, I mean here I am contemplating and complaining about my life and there he is a boy who hasn't yet had the chance to live his life being told that he only has a few weeks of time left.  

I contemplated giving this boy a name and calling him Peter Parker due to the the looming death of Spiderman in the latest DC comic book, but somehow  masking him in any respect doesn't seem right so today, for the first time I'm going to give you everything because this is one young lad who I take my hat off to in every respect, he is a hero in his own right and he absolutely should not be counting down his final days.


Sixteen is no age for anyone to die, in fact it has to be one of the worst ages to be told you don't have any longer to live.  You are old enough to know all of the things you will miss out on and too young to have experienced most if not all of them.  Harvey will never get drunk, go to University, graduate, get his first flat, have a long-term girlfriend, feel the dread when he meets her parents for the first time, propose, get married, have children, hold his child in his arms, lose his virginity, get his first job, be fired, quit a job, learn to drive, go to a nightclub and dance till 3am... I could go on for hours and hours about the things the rest of us take for granted and Harvey gets to experience none of it.  Last week he missed his high-school prom as he was in hospital being pumped full of drugs.

If there was a machine that I could walk into and it would take whatever life I have left and give it to him I would, no second thoughts, no deliberation.  At sixteen its just too unfair, at least at 29 I've been able to taste life and grab a handful of firsts.  I can't even imagine how his parents are feeling.  They must be devastated because not only do they have to deal with losing their son, but they have to watch it happen knowing that there is nothing in the whole world they can do to fix it.

When my nephew had his 16th birthday Harvey came along and spent the day, live everyone else,  paintballing.  No hiding from life, no being careful,  Harvey just padded himself up and ran about like he hadn't a care in the world.  A few weeks earlier had just had a bone marrow transplant and things were looking good, and yet now, just a few months later life has been snatched from his grasp again and everything has changed.  Is Harvey complaining about it? Not really.  His facebook is honest, open and not once does he say how unfair the whole thing is.

I'm not one for believing in god or the afterlife or anything, but when it comes to things like this I'm willing to give anything and everything a go because no way does this little boy deserve to die, he hasn't yet had a chance to live. 

So if you read this, I don't care who you are, what you do, where you live or anything else, send a thought for Harvey, make a wish and catch a shooting star that if nothing else he utterly defies this prognosis and gets to live at least a few more years so at the very least he can grab a taste of life.

No song today, just a snippet taken from Harvey's facebook:

Forget turtles, I love broccoli, just sat there all like  "Hey I'm a broccoli, I'm just gonna sit here pretending to be a miniature tree, I know my colours aren't quite right for a tree but I don't mind because I'm easy-going. Doesn't matter if you don't want to eat me, it's all cool, I'm not that nice anyway, and I'm content practising my tree pose"

Thursday 14 July 2011

Girl seeks...

... This Xx

Pub quiz with the team fell apart last night so I ended up going for a beer with one of the guys and his girlfriend.  Turns out it was just what I needed.  Lets call them Ironman and Pepper.

Anyway we headed to a local bar, had a few ice cold beers and talked about nonsense for a couple of hours.  It was great to hang out with a couple who aren't in your face PDA but are very much a couple at the same time.  Pepper and Ironman bounced off each other perfectly enhancing each others best parts through gest and banter.  It completely reminded me of what a relationship is like when you are with someone who is right for you, and how naturally and easy it all comes.

I think it's time I started to tackle the dating part in my to-do list.  The question is, what is the best way forward?  I don't have a disposable income at the moment as I'm not working as much as I usually do over the summer and until I know what is happening with Uni I have to be careful how I spend my cash, so copious nights out on the town to widen my social network probably isn't a viable option.  Singles events here are few and far between and I wasn't too keen on the whole speed dating thing.  Hmmm so where does that leave me... blind dating through friends, internet dating, or erm... yep I'm at a loss.

Right, an action plan needs to be hatched this weekend.  I've a couple of people coming over on Saturday and I'm meeting with a few of the girlies for a couple of glasses of vino after work tonight so I'm sure between us we will have me on the path to someone tall dark and handsome soon.

Got any pearls of wisdom for me bloggers?

This man is a legend and the tune is how I have woken up feeling - whoo rahh
Stevie Wonder - Sir Duke

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Freak Out

I have woken up with a whirlpool of emotions in my stomach due to a really vivid dream I had last night.  

The bad news - I'm struggling to shake the feelings it has evoked.  
The good news - It's definitely put me back on track for my 'to do' list.

Ok so in short, I had a baby to OOJ, how, why and when were all omitted all I know is I was really unhappy about the fact.  When the baby was born it was mega, like mega tall!  Toddler type baby.  None of the clothes I'd saved to buy were big enough and the nurse in the hospital felt so sorry for me in my teary state at the first check-up that she gave me a £65 voucher for a funky baby clothes store.  The baby was a girl, I called her Oliva, her first word was said during her first week and it was 'The' and she could read and write from the word go pretty much.  Oh and I didn't want anyone to know I had a baby in case they guessed it was with OOJ who I was certain I found repulsive in the dream.

Yowzer!  Talk about the hormones of aging along with a pretty full on message screaming 'Ser3ndipity get your sodding life sorted out'.  I have to shake the shudders, and fast!

What else has been happening...
My team at work are making my job a breeze at the moment, we all have summer sun vibes going on and despite a few recent and difficult changes we seem to be gelling all over again which is great.  A few of us are heading to pub quiz tonight so that should be cool.

I've started to look for Herb's b'day present but I'm really struggling.  Ideas are welcome.  So far the only thing I have that is remotely appropriate for the type of gifts we give each other is taking her to a gift experience place where we go on a segway trek.

I spoke with Pooch last night, he said that his sex life with Waves is still non-existent and so they went to the doctors again as she uses IBS as her reasoning most the time.  Apparently the new doctor thinks she has an endocrine disorder and Waves has told Pooch that having a baby is the best solution.  He has bought this fact but has failed to tell her that he never wants to have a baby with her!  Mental!  A guy staying with a girl who clearly wants children knowing he will never want them and so fucking her chances as time ticks on.  And a girl who has managed to convince a guy having a baby will fix her medical condition and at the end of it maybe they can have a sex life.  (btw I googled this, and there is no evidence what so ever to say getting pregnant will treat her condition).  I think someone else is hearing the tick, tick tick.

Oh and because someone who reads the blog asked this... Yes, I am a converse girl :)

Freak Out - Avril Lavigne

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Incy Wincy Spider


I had to face a phobia yesterday, my biggest by far... a spider.  

For years I've been petrified of them, I can't go anywhere near them.  I can't catch one, I can't kill one and if someone else is around they have to show me it before they put it out the window so I'm certain it's gone.

When I was with my first long-term boyfriend Clutz I found a spider the size and height of a tennis ball (I know this as it was standing next to one looking at me) in my bedroom.  I called Clutz unable to move and in hysterics, he had to pay a £20 taxi to get to my flat from the other side of town, break down my front door (as I knew if I moved the spider would flee and I'd never be able to set foot in the flat again) and then come and catch it.  To this day it is still the biggest house-type spider I have ever seen in my life.

I tried to combat my fear years later by holding a tarantula.  Did it work?  No it sodding didn't!  The only purpose it served was to widen my fear of spiders as until that point I was less scared of the huge fuzzy types as I figured you would always know where they were - WRONG!  You could have 8/9 of those bad boys on your back and they are so sodding light you would never know!!

Anyway yesterday I walked into my bathroom and there it was, an eight legged, ugly, creepy, crawly, 'I can run in any direction at the drop of a hat' spider, on the wall beside my shower. 

Not having anyone else to call on I was super brave and despite never wanting to kill them and not letting anyone else kill them I decided the only thing I could possibly do was to turn on the shower and wash it down the plug hole.  I turned on the shower, held it from a distance and sprayed it... I have never seen a spider run so fast in my life!  The damn thing ran on top of the water, all over the bathroom wall amid my shrieks and landed on all eight feet halfway under the skirting board panel at the back of the toilet (my floors are uneven).   

I decided after staring (at a safe distance) for about 20mins that the spider was dead and arranged for a friend to come to the flat later in the week to remove it as there is no way dead or alive that I can get within 2m of a spider.

When I got home last night, the spider was gone.

Now I know I have a pissed off spider somewhere in my house waiting to get me.  Nightmare!.

Tomoyasu Hotei - Battle with Honour or Humanity

Thursday 7 July 2011

One Man

It was International free hug day last Saturday, a day created in 2006 by a guy called Juan Mann (below).

For those of you who don't know the story let me tell you...  Juan started the Campaign in Pitt Street Mall in Sydney in June 2004 after receiving a hug from a random stranger at a party during a bout of depression he was struggling with.  Juan realised the hug was all he needed to start pulling his life together and decided that he would try and do the same for someone else.

Despite initial scepticism when people realised Juan was taking nothing but offering something the 'free hug' trend began and before long there were several 'free huggers' in and around Sydney.  

Three months later officials arrested Juan stating that as he had no public liability insurance he was breaking the law.  To put this into context the insurance they wished him to purchase for offering something free was to provide cover of up to £15.5million.  What kind of hugs did they think he was offering??!?

Anyway.  Goodwill and sense won out and Juan and his 'free hug' companions started a petition to gain 10,000 signatures which successfully allowed Juan to continue to continue his free hug campaign.  

The free hug is now an international phenomenon where people world wide walk the streets and offer a taste of human kindness for nothing in return.  Its amazing to think something so wonderful started with nothing more than a simple thought and a man trying to find his way while helping others. 

I take my hat off to you Juan Mann.

Today's tune is in the form of a youtube video.  The video was the creation of Shimon Moore, the frontman for the Sick Puppies.  Shimon met Juan in LA in 2005 and was inspired by his take on life and began filming Juan's journey.  The footage was made into a disc entitled 'This is who you are' and was set to one of the bands new tracks as a gift for Juan when Shimon learnt his grandmother had passed away in 2006.

Shortly after the video went viral and to date has over 69million views on YouTube.

Sick Puppies - All The Same

Monday 4 July 2011

Coach Trip

Dislocated shoulder again today.

Work meeting tomorrow in a different city and as non-union related work are paying for us to travel by... coach!  5am start just to get there on time and then back on Wednesday afternoon.  They've probably put us up in a hostel too LOL  Are they a small company?  No, multi-billion pound.  No wonder!

Flight booked for visiting Herb for her 30th birthday and train booked for trip needed for our school reunion (tradition in my home town is that it happens the year everyone turns 30 and then again when everyone turns 40)  I'll be sitting smug as one of the rare few still 29 when it happens.

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooo can't be bothered to go tomorrow!

Dolly Parton - Working 9 - 5  (Don't judge me)

Sunday 3 July 2011

Eyes Wide Open

I've had a bit of a reality check this last few days, I mean what exactly am I doing with my life at the moment?  

Its like everything is on a stand still and I'm running round in circles rather than setting out to grab all the things that I know I want.  I seem to be lost in a haze and while I seem to set those I meet along the way on the right track, I somehow forget to help myself.

Time for a list of things to do I think.  And a deadline.  Every good list of things to do needs a deadline.  Ok, time to focus and think... By the end of August where do I want to be and what do I want to have completed?

  • Update my CV and start to apply for 'real world' jobs again (at least 3).
  • Have a certain outcome of what is happening with University.
  • Have a holiday booked & paid for (I definitely need one this year).
  • Do another clear out and throw away at least 2 bags of things I no longer use/need (less is definitely more).
  • Don't just think about dating but actually go on a date, with someone I haven't yet met (no easy options).
  • Lose 10kg through diet and exercise (no arguments).
  • Go on a road-trip (do all or at least half the driving).

I could probably list 101 things or make the
 few I have listed more dramatic, but the aim is to actually complete the list rather than to shelf it after a couple of the days like everybody does with most 'to do' lists.

Now would be the time for me to realise I know someone with some serious connections that could help land me the perfect job in a new city as it would kick start me in the right direction.  Yep, time for a change bloggers, and if you see me losing my way over the next couple of weeks, post a comment to get me back on track.

Today's track, and indeed the first tune for July is by a band I discovered this morning as they were mentioned to me in a comment by a reader.  I'm sure you know I'm a chick who loves her music by now and from what I've seen today, these guys are definitely one to watch.  In fact, I bought tickets to one of their gigs a few mins ago.
Young Guns - Crystal Clear

Friday 1 July 2011

Someone Like You

'Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead'

Spoke to Mr X for a couple of hours on skype today.  He is looking well and bought a new jeep/car yesterday that is nothing short of a beast.  He's going to pay 1/2 for me to fly over in November and then take me to do some fun stuff like dune bashing and camel riding.  It was so nice to talk, we make each other laugh and giggle in such a relaxed way I always feel 100% better after we speak.

I am so glad we managed to stay in each others lives.

Adele - Someone Like You
Tricks and Tips