Thursday 21 April 2011

Recipe for Men & Women

Today I will be donning my cape of ears and helping out a friend who has been dumped by her bf of 4 years 9 days before the biggest exam of her life. 

Now why I ask you if he cared for her at all could he not wait until the exam was over?  They didn't have a fight where things got out of control, he told her in a cool calm manner when he dropped her off at home after a day out? I don't think I will ever get men.

How to make a man:
  • Mix 2 cups of testosterone with one spoon of anti-commitment
  • Stir in several spoons of emotional cold spots
  • Add 300mls of emotional self preservation
  • Sieve to remove multitasking
  • Bake for about 18 years... take out realise its still premature and bake for a further 10.
  • Sprinkle lightly with 'my mum is the best'
  • Add a twist of selfishness and finally decorate with blinkers.

How to make a woman:
  • Mix 8 cups of oestrogen with one cup of manipulation
  • Stir in several drops of self doubt and a pinch of flirtation
  • Bake every month for 4-7days and monitor decreased levels of rationale
  • Add 300mls of compassion
  • When aging add several spoons of broody
  • Dust with an unnatural liking for all things cute and fluffy and decorate with hair extensions, eyeliner and nail polish
 How to make a baby:
  • Add one man and one woman
  • Bake for anything from 10seconds to 4hours
  • Sit back and relax/panic/cry
Beverly Knight - Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda

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