Saturday 16 April 2011


I'm seriously debating packing everything up, selling anything worth while, saving as much as I can and sodding off somewhere in June and to hell with it all.  Bad idea?

Mr X leaving in three weeks has provided me with a catalyst.  My current flatmate 'Walliams' will be leaving at the end of May as his masters will be finished and he wants to look for work by his parents in Norwich so really there couldn't be a better time.  The question is, would it be 'just what I need' or would it be Ser3ndipity a-typical response to life.  Get bored. Fall into a whirlwind of disaster.  Pack up.  Move on. Regret it later.

At the moment work is going extremely well, although it is far from the career I wish to pursue and while Uni has taken a massive sideline and I'm a crap load behind (an essay and a dissertation proposal due in the next 2 weeks which I haven't yet started and exams around the corner) I think if I go into super dedicated mode for the next 2 months I could pull it back.

All I know for sure is that today I felt compelled to start sorting through my things.  I currently have 2 bags of items for the charity shop, two bags of stuff for the bin, and I've begun to list the things I could flog on ebay.  (2 mannequins, a blackberry still in its box, an old laptop...)

I think a fresh start could do me the world of good, but I don't want to throw it all away and regret it later which seems to be a common theme when I look at the twists and turns that my life has taken so far.

Am I just looking for an excuse to run away from everything?  What would you do?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pink -  Fuckin' Perfect

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