Wednesday 20 April 2011

Good Old Fasioned Stress Relief


I'm Super stressed, loads going on with Mr X moving, clearing out to move flat and get back to that '2 bags' lifestyle I used to live and love, Uni exams, Uni deadlines, work deadlines, contract negotiations and the never ending question of... Where the hell am I going?

And there is only one fail safe anti-stress, 100% guaranteed cure... Sex.

I can't lie bloggers since we spoke last I did pounce on the dating scene and on a couple of men along the way.  One was an utter disappointment but he did help to break my exceptionally long spell of chastity and so for that I deserves some gratitude, the other had the hands of a pianist but I could have taken or left the rest.

No, what I could use right now is some crazy hot, no-strings, no-emotions sex.  All recent thoughts considered, I have to say, I'm thinking now might be the time to have a an experience with a girl.  Men just seem to get attached anyway and all I'm thinking of right now is a quick 'hi there and hello'.

----------------------------------------------Martin Solveig & Dragonette - Hello

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