Tuesday 28 September 2010

Stirred by a Dream

I dreamt that I had a baby boy last night, I'm not sure who I had the baby boy with, the guy seemed to be all the good parts from my last long term relationships but was neither Mr S or Clutz, he was a blurry figure and the only distinguishing thing I can remember was that he was tall and had dark hair, the baby boy had dark hair also.

Its weird how dreams can shake you to your very core, nighmares dredge up feelings of terror and insecurities, dreams of guys/girls and relationships make your head spin with fantasy, love and sickly sweetness and then every so often... an unexpected dream with no real focus somehow managed to shake you to your very core.

I think you can probably tell from my blog that I'm well and truly over Mr S, and am quite enjoying the whole independant girl, single and enjoying a flirt at the moment but however happy I am with this, I definately have none of the warmth that I felt in my dream.  I mean, dreams are for the subconscious to tell you something right?  Mine better not be telling me to hurry up and get married/have kids, becuase as nice as that sounds, its not where I see things going at the moment and definately not one of my immediate goals.

Its weird how your biological clock playing tricks with your mind and infiltrating can sadden you and yet at the same time leave you with a really warm and content feeling.

An appropriate song:  Hear You Me - Jimmy Eat World

Monday 27 September 2010


Soon to be gracing the pages of urban dictonary 'Shoucher' is a newly derived word to sum up the guy who stayed at my flat last week. 

(http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Shoucher) I'm going to go for word of the week on Urban Dictionary so help a gal out bloggers, click on the link and then give it the thumbs up! :D

My new flatmate (gonna call him Walliams as he talks somewhat time David Walliams) got in ten or so minutes later than me on Wed night (i'd been to pub quiz), anyway I was in bed so didn't nip downstairs to say hi and didn't head downstairs at 2, 3, 4 or 5 o'clock when I could hear what I thought was new flatmate cooking in the kitchen (he is a bit of a foodie).  I didn't get much sleep but was too tired to go downstairs and tell him to stop banging around so decided to just speak to him in the morning.

When I got up the living room was a total state, mud all over the floor, juice split etc.  I headed to work and decided to speak to Walliams when I got home if it hadn't been cleaned.

Six came over after work and we decided to play some xbox, I saw Walliams in the kitchen and he had bought me some flowers and a bottle of wine to say sorry for the noise.  Shortly after we sat down I noticed the futon cover was  missing so asked Walliams if he knew where it was, he said no.  A few moments after he went to bed I noticed a large black mark on the wall - Six went to investigate and it was.... (take a deep breath)... poo!

On the wall, the tv, the floor, the throw, the missing futon cover, the sleeping bag borrowed from Walliams.  Yes bloggers, smeared excrament all over my flat - shudder! 

I text Walliams to see if he was still awake as his bedroom light was off, no reply so I decided to catch him in the morning.  I awoke to him leaving the flat early doors so text to say he needed to come back as we had to talk.  He replied to say he was embarassed and was out at the dry cleaners but would be back in an hour.  When he returned we talked it all out.  Apparently he didn't know what had happened and had not bee in the living room in the cold light of day until that morning... He text his 'friend' (the shoucher) who had taken our futon cover with him when he scarpered the scene and when he realised had gathered up anything cleanable and had taken it to the dry cleaners.

We talked it out while cleaning the life out of the flat - the guy who had stayed over was a 33yr old published author and part-time lecturer at the University, so not an obvious choice for a 'Shoucher'.  Walliams was completely embarassed and Shoucher had been text and would pay for any replacements/repairs - A new £80 futon cover, dry cleaning, cleaning products and I imagine the two bunches of roses, box of chocs and bottle of wine Walliams gave me to say sorry.

Can I pick flatmates, or can I pick flatmates bloggers?

(sorry if the blog for this is poorly written, but to tell you everything surrounding this disaster it would be almost a novella)

The Cardigans - Erase/Rewind

Tuesday 21 September 2010


I am officially out of the running for roller derby, having totally screwed my back by compressing disks and discloating my shoulder/trapping a nerve I'm in no fit state to continue with training this intake.  :(   I'm suuuuuper sad, but am going nto just use the time between now and January when the new intake starts to train on my own, learn to be a beast on skates and then head to training ready to kick ass; so i'm sure you will hear quite a few rollerskating disaster stories between now and NY.

Today, i'm heading into town with Six on the hunt for some outfits that will make me look suitably sexy, sassy, funky and skinny for some planned nights out I have over the next few weeks:
  • Speed dating with Red, Six and Sally (a manager from work who has super rosy cheeks - think Wuezel Gummage)
  • Girl from works 33rd birthday party
  • Manager night out from work
  • Sally's leaving party
  • My Nephew's 16th birthday party
  • Sister-in-law's 41st birthday party
  • Night on the town with the girlies from Uni
So its going to be a busy few weeks!  I really hope I find one or two outfits speedily as I absolutely abhor clothes shopping as I'm always the wrong shape.  Breasts too big, breasts too small, too short, too round, too... too... just wrong!  Keep your fingers crossed for me  'X'

Also, as I'm not hitting the derby track tonight I'm going to try and get Six all dressed up and out for dinner as she seems to be in a bit of a rut at the moment (jogging bottoms, trainers, messy hair and a lack of vitamins/nutrients in her food since this whole gastric band type stuff).

I'll let you know how it goes

One of the best movies ever!  And a the song... well its because with all the shopping today I could do with an anonymous benefactor.  Money - Flying Lizards:

Saturday 18 September 2010

Sexy Magic

Considering I've been blogging for almost a year now (yes bloggerino's our time is nearly up); its surprising that this is the first truly drunkn blog you have had - that I can remember.  The proof in the pudding is the fact it just took me 3 attempts to type the work first right!

I went out with Red tonight, I haven't seen her in about a month with one thing or another and she was feeling pretty miseravle... Anyway we met and headed for a few drinks in the local bars around here.  We then went for a quick snack and coffee at another and then headed to my fave local where I swooned over one of the bar guys (tall, dark, handsome with funky hair and tattoo's) as he made us cocktails.

Red was on form until we hit my fave local where a guy she had dated previously (a set-up I orchastrated on a previous night out at the bar) showed up with his new bit of eye candy.  Red seemed to dip after that making conversation difficult as she kept going for the deep and meaningful angle with is far from what I need at the moment.  Anyway, I nipped to the bathroom and on my return she was talking to some random fugly guy who was dressed for pub golf despite being on her own.  The attention seemed to have cheered her up so I let her get on with it and scoped the bar for some entertainment... it didn't take long.  Within a couple of minutes I had met Billy (although for about an hour I had been calling him Josh - no names hidden as I'm sure I won't see him again).

Billy was 23, from Boston and new to town as was just about to do a post-grad in Russian and Scottish Literature - how bizzare!  Anyway after a quick hi there and hello the conversation was flowing and we had stolen a couple of unclaimed cocktails from the bar.  Tall, dark, handsome and with a gorgeous smile Billy was most definately the type of guy I would go for.  As soon as Red noticed (nearly said her actual name there), Red noticed I was talking to someone hotter than 'man hit in face with golf club' she perked up further and adjusted her body language - I introduced her and stepped back - if attention was what she needed I was in no hurry to do anything to take that away.

Billy, Red and I spent the next hour or so chatting and when closing time came around it was no surprise Red wanted to keep the night going.  I bought in and suggested a bar/club in town that I knew despite being super crowded (as it is freshers week) would also be an ok place for me to amuse myself while leaving Billy in Red's capable hands. 

When we arrived it was clear that Billy was more keen to chat/dance/talk to me than Red so manipulating the situation wasn't too easy.  We danced, giggled, he tried to grab my hand, I pretended I hadn't noticed, he was hot so put his bag on a chair, Red picked it up and carried it the rest of the night saying it wasn't safe.  I had a good time, I met some randoms, had some chat and kept things on the innocent 'deliberately clueless' level.  Come 2:30 I decided home time was a calling (10hrs after I first started drinking), checked Red was ok to be left with Billy (ohhhhh yessssss), gave Billy a hug and said I was going and left a smug Red and confused Billy as I headed for the taxi queue.

I definately needed the kind of night I ended up with. Fun, flirty within my control and lots and lots of dancing - yep.  I had fun.  And handing Mr gorgeous over?  no problemo.  I'm not saying Billy wouldn't have chosen Red anyway but this way I pretty much eliminated the options so we will see what happens there. 

Too easy I hear you say - well yeah!  My confession of the night?  I did respond to a few texts from someone in a rather flirty manner which I shouldn't have...  Ah well, we can't be all good.

Ciara & Justin Timberlake - Love, Sex, Magic

Thursday 16 September 2010


I'm feeling pretty chilled today.  I got up around 7am, watched the news while drinking tea, did some housework, put some new music on my iPhone, played with the cats, had a loooooooong shower, did my hair/makeup, got dressed, made an appointment to get my hair done tomorrow and have since been mooching about - bliss. 

Yep, I'm going to embrace this week or so of only having a part-time job to go to 5days a week, no overtime and no Uni classes as they don't kick in until the 27th.

I had a few things out with my boss last night, i'm not so sure it cleared the air, more like set the tone of 'I think you are an incompetent fool but if you try to make me look like an idiot in the process i'm going to use everything in my power to make your life a misery', yes, I think things might get a little better lol.

I also came away from work with £360 worth of goods.  Work ran an overtime incentive each month the summer due to high call volumes/workload - 1 ticket in the draw for every 5hrs overtime worked, needless to say I was clearing around 6 tickets a week.  I didn't come away with a sausage in the first two draws but this time around I won £100 experience gift voucher and a £260 blackberry 9300 curve - hello ebay!

I was searching for a song appropriate to today's blog and stumbled upon a photo of Jason Mewes these days (Jay from Jay and Silent Bob for those of you who don't know) and wow does he look different... I mean I know Jay was only a character but despite the somewhat pointy features of this guy (not usually something I am drawn to in a man)... I definately would! ;o)

Afroman - Because I got High

Wednesday 15 September 2010


Shawn Colvin - When you Know


So, new flatmate (still haven't thought of a name for him yet so i'll get back to you), new sport - Roller Derby, New year at University and next... A new job I think.

Work is seriously taking the life out of me at the moment.  My boss is incompetent and the company as a whole seems to be in a permanent state of chaos and not the good kind, so i'm pretty much at the end of my teather (where does that saying come from anyway ---google search--- apparently to do with tieing up a dog or horse).  I'm going to pimp my CV this weekend which I absolutely hate doing and then start the hunt although i'm unsure what will be out there part-time that will work around University and offer me a similar salary.  Well, anything legal.

I missed derby training this week as my back is still screwed from slamming to the floor several times the week before and just to prove to you my lil bloggers that I am genuinely in pain and haven't just thrown in the glove today's picture is my badge of honour, proudly in place on my thigh/bum - nice!

Because it makes me smile:  Volbeat - I only wanna be with You

Monday 13 September 2010


I spoke with Mr S again last night, he has been in touch a lot lately for nothing imparticular and is currently spending two weeks with his family.  He seems to have realised that he is stuck in a rut and only he can pull himself out - its taken a while. 

I was really lucky to have met Mr S, despite the way things ended leaving a bitter taste in my mouth we had a few years filled with hundreds of giggles and waves of change and all things taken into consideration i'm glad we took that journey together.  I guess only time will tell if we will remain friends/aqaintences in years to come.

The flatmate hunt went well, there were a load of weirdo's but by the end of it all there were a few people to chose from.  I decided to go with the guy from my home town, but after telling him on the Monday evening I got a horrible feeling which I couldn't quite put my finger on but when it came down to it I was left with the choice of listening to or ignoring my gut instinct which had no logical reasoning or to ignore it and carry on.  

My instincts have been pretty spot on in the past so I decided to bite the bullet and tell the guy the next morning something had come up and the room was no longer available.  I had my excuse all ready and to be honest less than 12hrs had passed and it was completely believeable and his response... he basically got mega aggresive and swore at me.  Yep less than 12hrs since I offered him the room and more than 4 weeks before he could move in and he went mental - needless to say I did the right thing.  I offered the room to a guy who came on the last day who is kinda posh in a Hugh Grant minus the stuttering way but really nice (or so I am hoping).  Anyway things have been rejigged since then and he moves in on Thursday.  Current weird flatmate moves out Wed night.

I am loving this song at the moment:  The Script - For the First Time

Saturday 11 September 2010


There is something incredibly sexy about a glass of red wine.

To make matters more decadent i'm currently alowing the smoothness of a decent cabernet mix with the richness of a mouthful of chocolate gnache before trickling down my throat - bliss! 

Friday 3 September 2010

The Hunt

As the freaks, geeks and rockstars come and go today to look at the flat I thought I would keep you informed, let you know how I get on, share the love and all that jazz.  You didn't think you were getting off the hook that easily did you?

Miss no speak English - A Spanish girl with an exceptionally poor grasp of the language although endeering and really sweet all the same.  In the UK for 9mths to teach spanish as a foreign language.  There isn't really anything else to say she was a tad non descript.

Mr Late - A guy who encompasses the Family guy sterotype of what a Brit should look like - mousey brown hair, massive teeth, weird chat and about as interesting as a smack in the face with a paving slab.  Looking for a flat for 2yrs to complete his degree at University (same as mine).

Number 3
Mr Hometown - A guy brought up a 10min car journey away from where I grew up as a kid - blast from the past accent big time!  Sound as a pound, really nice guy in his 4th year Uni, has a gf but she lives in Norway so purrrfect and due to the fact he is from the same hometown area(ish) as me, a spade is a spade so I imagine we would be able to make a flatshare work.  Looking for a flat for 1yr to finish Uni (same as mine) and then he will relocate to be with his gf.

The crazy aunt - A yoga instructor, trained masseuse and cook who works on expensive yachts and boats who wants to set a base in this city.  She is really nice, interesting and has a total zest for life.  37.  Looking for a place to call home so no specific time frame.

Miss  - A postgrad student from Canada.  A really nice girl, she came with her mum but really because she landed yesterday and doesn't know the area/uk at all rather than the hold my hand kind thing.  I could see myself living with her, but you know when there is something you can't quite put your finger on... Looking for a 1yr lease to cover her masters at University (same as mine).

Number 6
The No show.

Thursday 2 September 2010

Ding Ding... Its a Knockout

I got an email from my flatmate 2 days ago to say she is handing in her 1mth notice to move out on the 1st October - hurrah!

I thought our landlord might be a bit funny about me looking for another flatmate but he was exceptionally chirpy (he loves me) and said that he never liked her and will be glad to see her go.  I put the flat on the internet at 2pm this lunchtime and have so far arranged over 10 viewings to take place tomorrow and Saturday so bring on the freak parade and I shall have my pick!! I do hope I find someone that is only unhinged in the good ways, isn't glued to their bf/gf, knows a mop from a packet of crisps, and is up for a few Sunday morning chats over a cup of tea and a bit of toast... you wouldn't think that was too much to ask would you??

I am secretly holding out for a guy to move in as I think it would maybe be a better fit but we will see...  In an ideal world it would be a semi-hot guy who has lots of attractive, hot friends lol!

I loved this song when it came out and I think it somehow matches today's blog, I can't really explain why..
Bran Van 3000 - Drinking in LA
Tricks and Tips