Sunday 14 July 2013

Impulse Shopping & Interesting Aquaintances

The last few days have been just what the doctor ordered.  

For a girl who grew up playing outdoors and always had a healthy glow to her skin, these last couple of years living in a place I'm sure could be in the running for rainiest city in Europe has seen me practically turn into a vampire.  I used to be the girl who went brown as a berry from just looking at the sun, these days however I need to suncream my ass up and consistently monitor for signs of reddening.  I love the sun.  I love the heat, the feeling it gives you and most of all, I like having a little colour to me.  It makes me feel/look alive.

I spent Friday hanging out with (Can't remember what nickname I gave here so I will need to insert later ??) and her kids in her garden.  We played mankala (I taught her as figured a little sunshine entertainment wouldn't go a miss), listened to music, drank squash, ate a chicken breast burger off the BBQ and topped the day off with a rocket ice-lolly.  Lovely!  

On the way home from (??) I popped into the supermarket and on spying some 'colour b4' I quickly picked my mobile out of my pocket and within a few minutes had purchased a radical new colour for my hair from amazon, the colour b4 was in my basket and just for good measure I nipped onto ebay and purchased 'clip in bangs' to be dyed and rocked to bring me an all over brand new summer sun hairstyle.  Watch this space, I'll post some pics.  It's a good job some of the things in life can't be bought with 3 clicks of a button.

Friday night I mooched on the sofa and then skyped a friend I met playing a game on my phone (yes, yes, a game on my phone!), lets call her Aurora.  Aurora and I have spoken maybe twice before along with a couple of the other people that potter about on the game.  It usually starts off with a 'lets chat about the other players' and then rapidly turns into what we now refer to as 'cocktail Friday'.  Despite the time differences for some of us, and the serious differences in lifestyle choices, there are perhaps 5 of us that gel over a wicked sense of humour and a likening for goofy chat and cocktails.  I am not one of these 'gamer' types, but I have to say, this last 9months or so have seen a little bit of banter and an hour or so of playing/chatting on this bog standard generic game on my phone put a smile on my face.  Aurora is usually the quiet one in the group, contributing a little and laughing a lot.  On Friday we spoke just the two of us for the first time and I haven't laughed so much in ages.  I have definitely found a kindred spirit.

Saturday saw me meet Red for a short 5 mile walk, a few hours in the park reading celeb magazines followed by dinner at her place.  Red isn't much of a cook and unfortunately presented me with food items I equally dislike (salmon - I wish I could like fish, but I just don't. Mashed potato - mashed food is for the physically impaired and those without teeth.  So long as I can chew, I am gonna chew.  Finally the dish was topped off with peas - the only vegetable I dislike) so it was a bit of a 'hold your nose and gulp' dinner for me, but the chat was great and the day a relaxing sunny one.  Red and I have a tennis court booked for next weekend and a film festival event lined up on Tuesday in a bid to get out more lol.

Saturday night I ended up speaking with Aurora again.  I can safely say that the girl has more stories than I do, and that is saying something!  I've told her that she should consider writing a blog.  Wonder if she will give it a bash?!

Today I've got nothing lined up which is a shame as the sun is definitely still shining so hopefully someone will give me a dial and I can whisk myself away somewhere suitably sunny.  

This coming week definitely counts for more of the following:  Sunshine, BBQs, ice lollies, banter with Aurox and quite possibly a meet up with Beeze.

Farewell - First One On The Blog

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