Thursday 3 January 2013

John Wayne

So as I've mentioned in the tag line, I'm a 21st century single girl and there are a few things that a chick living in this age needs to get by.  Let me enlighten you:
  • Good friends - Singledom doesn't mean sitting at home of a weekend watching movies and eating your own body weight in popcorn.   No blogger's, single means 'independent and always ready to mingle' and no girl is complete without a bunch of friends ready to take on the roles of 'wing girl', 'shoulder to cry on' and 'agony aunt' at the drop of a hat.
  • Technology - It is a dog eat dog world out there and if a 21st century chick is going to survive relatively unscathed, she needs to keep her finger on the pulse.  Long gone are the days where catching the news at 6pm provided sufficient information to schmooze in any given social situation.  These days you need to Facebook, Tweet, MySpace, Email, text, surf the Web, read magazines, watch reality tv and in my case, blog.  A smartphone is a girls best friend.  It provides information at the click of a button, a friend on a crappy day, a lifeline to a fake emergency during a terrible date, a tool for texting, sexting and most importantly it is your one stop shop gadget to social bliss.
  • Key Accessories & Makeup - Being a strong independent woman is great in theory, in practice however it can have its downsides... All costs are on you.  There is no-one to pick up half the bills or subsidise you during a 'tight month' when you have been living it up a little more than you should have, and unfortunately bank managers have yet to see the rationale behind the increase of your overdraft limit because 'you have nothing to wear'.  No, a single and independent girl needs to stand on her own two feet and so the art of looking 'fabulous' really boils down to one thing - the ability to turn any work/day outfit or look into another fit for a party at the drop of a hat.  This can mean different things for different women, however this little chick tends to opt for the tried and tested approach of wearing my hear down and increasing its volume, vastly darkening the eyeshadow/eyeliner around my eyes and the addition of a bracelet and earrings.  Yes, work chic to party diva in 3 simple steps.
  • Battery Power - It is all very well weighing up your options, chasing a career or playing the field, but the times when women sat around at home just hoping prince charming would come and whisk them off their feet and satisfy their every need, have well and truly gone (if they every really existed in the first place).  These days women are more demanding, have higher expectations and are willing to play the long game than settle for something or someone that is below par.  However 21st century chicks still have needs, and sometimes even for the more liberal among us who maintain a little 'friends with benefits' action, need a little 'me' time.  Luckily there are 1001 places where the perfect 'prince charming' can be purchased and unlike boyfriends, fiancées, husbands or friends with benefits, the only requirement in this case is a 4 pack of AA batteries. 
So yeah, while there are a few more items that could be added to the list above, I am pretty sureh I havecovered the essentials which result in a fun filled, stress free life, well 9/10 anyway.  

Let me however leave you with a little tip (gained from experiences this last week)... Don't go living it up in a world of social media, accessoried, eyelinered haze, come home where you decide to have a little 'me time' with John Wayne (Yes... He has a name), leaving him on your bedside dresser for the night.  It can only lead to disaster when he is spotted by the red faced gas safety inspector who knocks on your door at 7am unannounced the next morning ;p

Twin Atlantic - You're Turning Into John Wayne

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