Sunday 6 January 2013


So I'm currently lining up my ducks for this Tough Mudder race during the summer.  I've downloaded the training bootcamp manual and I have to say now the initial 'yaaaas' is over... I'm starting to realise how much of a challenge this is going to be.

The pack revolves around 5 sets of circuits and some of the items on the list are things I'm not sure I could even do 1 of let alone 30 in sets of 8!  I am definitely going to have to do this for charity and ask people to donate danger money if I am going to stay motivated.

In other news Herb and I spoke the other day and bridesmaid-ville is officially on the go.  We are meeting in Feb to look at dresses and then again in April where we need to take it seriously and find something to buy.  Her other bridesmaid is someone I've yet to meet but I am sure we will get on great... At least we better or it might become bridesmade-gate lol.  Out of the three of us I am also the only girl who naturally rocks curves so I really need to get that shit toned up so I don't stand out like a sore thumb.  Plans for the hen have also been discussed so I need to pull my finger out and get looking for an action/adventure weekend somewhere with a log cabin so we can go all GI Jane during the day and Bridget Jones in the evening.  If anyone has experience with this feel free to comment me some links below.

Men wise there really isn't much to report.  Clerk dropped me a text over New Year and mentioned meeting up again but with this month being a strain financially, neither of us have really pushed for a date - watch this space.  Balloo and I are continuing to talk and has been lots of flirtation but all totally innocent.  I think if anything was to happen, it might be at the wedding (if we are both single at the time) as it is highly probable due to numbers and budget that he and I may pair up and go together.  I don't really have anything else on the back burner at the moment however I'm hoping to hit a couple of bars on Saturday with Red so who knows.  I am also toying with popping myself online again thinking that the New Year might be a good time - there may be quite a few people joining up and testing the water but I'm not too sure... As I've said before, the guys that tend to put themselves up on these kinds of things while attractive and interesting, aren't really my 'type'.

Labrinth Feat.  Emeli Sande - Beneath You're Beautiful

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