Friday 10 June 2011

Creeps & Nightmares

I had the worst nights sleep, I had a fever, was up and down to get water and use the bathroom 101 times and when I did eventually get to sleep I had nightmares! 

I dreamt that people were trying to force me into getting married and kept telling me I was old now and needed to grow up.  OOJ and his parents (in real life he doesn't have a father) were following me around and I kept running away as soon as he looked like he was going to get down on one knee.  I was on a farm at one point (maybe relevant as I spent a few years of my adolescence on one) and I was surrounded by heavy machinery and couldn't somehow seem to get out of the shed.  (make your own assumptions).

Needless to say I woke up this morning really unsettled.  

I had planned on heading out today and grabbing some nice bits and pieces to cook tonight before coming back to finish the final bits of unpacking and organising but its out as I don't feel well enough to move far from the couch.

So what have I done so far today other than sitting on the couch feeling sorry for myself I hear you ask.   Well, I've created two invites on Facebook for people round for a dinner party, one at the end of this month and the second in mid-July.  I've found someone to come with me to watch the Scrimbledon roller derby bout this weekend (if i'm feeling well enough), and I've downloaded some movies so I can mooch and be entertained later.

What else...
I haven't had a proper conversation with Mr X for a while now, he msgs me on and off as I do him, but whenever he is online its like he msgs me and then is distracted so I end up waiting for a reply.  He did a similar thing this morning (he now has the same weekend as me Fri-Sat), I replied to his question, waited a couple of mins and got no response and so msgd to say I was going and for him to call or msg me next time he had time to talk properly as I wasnt' going to stop what I was doing to participate in a disjointed conversation.  He said sorry and ok, I'll let you know how it goes.

What else can I tell you?  Hmmm well, do you remember Pooch & Waves?

Well Pooch asked me to hang out last Sunday, I said it sounded great and didn't think too much about it until I realised Waves wasn't going to be there at which point I sent a quick text saying I was looking forward to it but had he told his gf (Waves) that we were going to be hanging out.  

Long story short he said he hadn't.  I then made my position clear that I wasn't going to hang out with him if it meant that I would have to omit the truth or watch what I was saying around Waves in future and I certainly wasn't going to do anything that could be construed as suspicious.  His response highlighted the fact that she feels uncomfortable if we hang out without her as she thinks he wants to cheat on her with me and so how could he possibly tell her as it would make his life so difficult, and woe is him and he really needed me to be his friend right now etc. 
The conversation ended shortly after when I  told him to strap on a pair of ovaries (A phrase stolen from Six) and tell her we were going to hang out or to forget it and be clear about that fact that I wouldn't be inviting him to do anything without her in tow until such a point that he was going to be honest as I wouldn't want to be lied to if I was in her shoes.  

As it happens bloggers I also tend to agree with Waves and think if Pooch was given the opportunity he would dump Waves in a heartbeat to be with me;  aided by the fact that shortly after my assertive and clearly outlined text I received an email from Amazon stating that I had just been given a £25 voucher from Pooch, I mean WTF!   

No bloggers, treat your fellow girlie's how you yourself would want to be treated.  Personally if I was that uncertain about the intentions of my bf, I would kick him to the curb without a second thought.  Then again, that's me and if there is one thing I've learnt this past year or so, its that a lot of people put up with a lot of shit, just because they don't want to be alone.  I mean look at Six, she is back with her twat of an ex bf despite him making it perfectly clear that he doesn't and can never see himself falling in love with her.  Wonka is another example, she put up with a controlling and cheating boyfriend for three years only to be dumped out of the blue and then to find out two weeks later he had got another girl pregnant.

The real question is why does anyone put up with it?

The Ataris - Your Boyfriend Sucks

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