Thursday 30 June 2011

Common Sense

Total venting blog today.

Common sense.  Something my manager at work seems to be lacking.  Here are the facts:

  • Yesterday I was forced to have an absence from work as my shoulder kept popping out and despite having no team, admin or additional duties that I hadn't already cleared for the month my manager refused to let me process TOIL or AL.
  • Last night I got less than 3hrs sleep as I was in so much pain.
  • My shoulder currently dislocates at least once a day and in doing so  trapped a nerve in my neck  a couple of days ago taking the pain scale from a 6 to a 9.
  • My doctors appointment and what I assume will then be a referral to the hospital is late this afternoon.  Something I knew yesterday and advised my manager of.
  • An absence from my workplace counts as one instance (regardless of duration) and should you return to work only to discover it was too soon and in turn decide to take additional time, this is classed as a second instance and triggers an absence hearing that can result in the removal of your annual bonus.
Why is it then readers that my manager was so utterly shocked into silence when I called this morning (you need to call every day you are absent) to advise I wouldn't be into work for my shift today.  

I mean, do I look stupid?!! If I'm not going to be able to utilise annual leave or time off in lieu to allow me to go to appointments OR for days when I've only had 1hr sleep due to my shoulder hanging 3 inches below where it should be (providing my work diary is clear), then why the fuck would I go back to work after having an absence opened until everything is 100% again?!!  

I kid you not it was as if I had told her I was planning on going to the moon.  As you can tell.  I'm the whole situation has irked me somewhat.

Anyway, the plan is to head to the appointment in a couple of hours (Wonka is driving me), hopefully be referred to the hospital, have my shoulder fighting fit and then head back into work for my next day on shift this Sunday.  Should this not go to plan however, plan B is to head to the supermarket after the doctors, pick up wine and munch, nip into boots for some face masks/pampering goods and then shoot over to a new Westend salon offering automated booth spray tans to get my first ever spray tan before a night of movies, girlie chat and xbox.

The fact that I may be walking into work on Sunday with a golden brown tan having been forced into taking two days absence Isn't lost on me either.  

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