Wednesday 14 July 2010


Gaydar (N): The ability/gift of being able to detect homosexuality in other people.

I'm usually pretty good at playing the sexual preference game, I think it has a little to do with the fact i'm bi, and a lot to do with the fact I find it rather easy to relate to and empathise with people so reading them for my old line of work was breeze.  However, my gaydar was well and truly in question yesterday when it was suggested to me by two seperate people that DeLongue might indeed swing for the other team.

Things with DeLongue are still pretty cute at work, as he's new he needs help from time to time so he pops over a couple of times a shift bypassing 5/6 managers along the way to ask me a question and then usually sends me a quirky email or two and vica versa but even sherlock holmes would struggle to work out the intentions of them as its all sofltly-softly, safely-safe.  Great if it turns out we both like each other and are trying to gague it... embarassing if i'm misreading things but fun all the same.

Anyway with two people mentioning it I started to wonder as his fb profile stated 'single' not what he was into or who he was looking for as lets face it, its not a dating site (yes, i know that is a matter of oppinion).  He wandered over at the end of his shift last night to say hi and we had a conversation on the way out the building and he is soooooo yummy!  Needless to say I decided if nothing else I needed to make sure my gaydar wasn't on the blink and he wasn't gay.

I headed out for coffee with my american friend from work last night (lets call her Holmes - you will see why).  I asked her if she thought he was gay (she thinks he looks like clark kent), and she didn't think so but said she couldn't be sure.  As soon as I got home there was a msg waiting for me - Holmes had been online, found him from my page and had not only scrolled the minimal info she could see about him but had managed to look up the girl from the photo's and do some detective 101 work on her too.  It turns out the girl from the photo's is 99% a lesbian (no competition - hurrah), and DeLongue is most definately straight - his profile now says 'women' - Whoop!

You have to wonder though... how easy would stalking someone be if you actually knew what you were doing on the internet! Scary.

Electric Six - Gaybar

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