Tuesday 20 July 2010


Do you ever feel like you are on the edge of something or at a point in your life where despite seeming like any other day you feel you are somewhere you need to be careful, watch your step and the changes you make in the near future will somehow affect you the rest of your life...?

Work is insane at the moment as it is IPR time and everything is all change.  I'm also amid compiling several gross misconduct files for the new guys in my team who seem to have fallen under the radar until now so its all go go go! At home despite not seeing my flatmate on her own for about 2 months or at the flat for over a week and yet she has said she wants to 'talk' and could she come home at the weekend when i'm not pulling 12hr shifts to do this?... no, she has to want to do it when i'm coming home shattered and am likely to either cry or throw something at her face... and thats only if she asks me if I want a cup of tea ;s

I'm still seriously crushing on DeLongue but think I was right to be hesitant as I now think i'm getting the friend vibe from him now rather than anything else.  To be honest thats cool too as he is definately 'my kind of people' so hopefully we will end up hanging out and he can introduce me to some of the people in this city I seem to have trouble meeting - those with the same outlook/tastes as me.

Balloo seems pretty interested in where I am going to take things with DeLongue and seems to ask me about it almost every day encouraging me to pursue things when I tell him I think its best not to.  I'm not sure if he has an ulterior motive to be honest, he seems very all over it... its almost pressurising.

Green Day - Good Riddance

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