Tuesday 11 August 2015

Calming my soul

I've had a really trying day...

My apartment has plumbing problems and the letting agent are worse than useless.  I'm currently on hour 36 with no use of anything that requires plumbing and counting.

My boss is incredibly emotive, is incapable of seeing the wood for the trees, and takes a reactive and illogical approach to everything - not ideal given the role we undertake.

I'm struggling health wise at the moment with weird bloods, a cold that is trying to get hold, aching bones and a crazy ass problem with my feet that as yet is a mystery but is completely messing with my walking-to-places mojo.

Miles has been a little unusual the last couple of days, nothing big, however he has made multiple references to a subject we discussed at the weekend around me being bisexual etc.  He hasn't been crass or overbearing, it has perhaps just been a few misplaced innuendo's and comments that in my current and vulnerable state of mind have played on me a little.  My dreams firmly wrapped around it last night.  That aside, he has calmed me endlessly tonight after a somewhat brutal day.  

I don't know what it is, but sharing and venting and letting it all go seems so easy with his approach to listening/supporting me and yet to him it all seems so effortless.  I commented on it earlier and his response was 'of course, it is kind of in the job description'. 


The afters - Ocean Wide
click for soundtrack


  1. Im renting and know your pain, thankfully Ive got water (although dont get me started on annual safety tests done without visiting the property) but this "furnished" apartment with a broken bed that cant be changed. Slept on the floor last night. :-/

    As for your job, time to look for a new one? taking your time to find a better company while these still pay your wages. Ive just left my job after just a year because the company simply didnt understand what it should be doing. Fingers crossed im about to start a job thats radically different, super exciting and has a future... or I turn up and they realize Im sooo not the right person and get rid of me the first day. :-/

    yay for kinky partner, cant wait to hear alllll about it lol.
    Glad to read about the walls falling down too!

    1. Hey Oli, I hope the new job is going well... let us know! I'm positively certain you will have nailed it!

      Thanks for the kinky partner love - does thou oh reader of 6yrs think this little chick has too many walls? Anyone would think I'm fiercely independent or something lol x


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