Thursday 30 August 2012


Right lets see if I can get you up to speed...

  • Uni is officially done and dusted but with a lot of dramas of late the job hunt hasn't even begun.  Going to get cracking next week.
  • Work is full of dramas and change at the moment with lots of things brewing in the pipeline but at least it is keeping me busy
  • I've moved flat (hence being out of action internet wise for almost 2 months), it has been somewhat of a disaster zone since moving in and finding 101 problems, I would say 80% are resolved at the moment but there is no doubt that I will be moving out and on at the end of this 6month lease...4 months to go!
  • Two days before moving mum came to help and I found her a new house to move to (she has had problems with her asbo/mental case neighbour for a few years now as you know).  Anyway as the find was a total gem I moved mum three weeks ago.
  • Had a mini fling with a rather surprising removal van.  Hunky, middle management kinda person with a new start-up family business on the side.  Oh and yes... 10yrs younger than me.  
  • I became completely addicted to the olympics when I was going cold turkey without the internet and had a rather concerning interest in Tom Daley.  That phase has since finished lol
  • Socially between moving home, moving mum home, work and the disasters within my appartment things have been slow simmering, a few cheeky drinks in town, a cocktail night with Red and I've hung out at my flat with G-star and a few others.
So what's brewing?

  • Massive night out tomorrow with some peeps.  I've nothing to wear after an ebay surge before moving so have had to order a dress next day (fingers crossed it fits).
  • I'm planning a trip to Dubai in November, I've already booked the time off work and have started saving so I can splash the cash a little.  Yes, I will be seeing Mr X while I am out there (we have been talking on and off since I last blogged - all totally above board), and I will be staying with Mr X sister. 
  • Meeting Red this Saturday if I'm not too hung over and we are going to book flights to somewhere in Europe for New Year - wherever the pin lands.
  • I'm heading out for a date on Sunday with a guy I know through work.  We are going for dinner and a movie, I had thought initially as friends but it appears I misread the situation.  I could have clarified or cancelled but I figure why not!
  • OOJ has been in touch a few times and we have been talking.  I have to say that whole situation I found very confusing.  There was a point in time when I think we were going to meet up again and see if there was anything still sparking but then miraculously overnight things with the girl he was 'casually seeing' turned into 'meet the parentals'  If I am honest I kinda feel he perhaps wanted to 'sock it to me' after what happened and perhaps what he read on my blog but then... hey ho!
Right well a heap of things I'm sure I have forgotten have been and gone but I am shattered, it is almost midnight and tomorrow I have to cram at least 4 hours work into 45mins as I've been roped into some networking meetings that will pretty much run from early morning until mid-evening and I'm supposed to be heading out for dinner at 8 lol

Drop me some comments about blog topics and I'll be back in touch this weekend.

Hope you missed me x

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