Sunday 26 February 2012

Drinks & Defined Bodies

I'm meeting the girls from the net today for drinks and a catchup (lets call them the SATC girls) which I'm really looking forward to.  We are hoping to get ourselves better organised for future weekends and sort out our tickets for 70s night in March so it should be a giggle.  As its the end of the month (my bank account is officially screaming ouch!) and the rugby is on (you know I'm a rugby girl) we've decided to meet in Walkabout to take advantage of the big screen thigh action and drinks promos. I'm hoping as it is a Sunday it will be quieter than my usual Saturday 6 Nations jaunt to the WA, but I'm not convinced.

I've a few huge things/meetings looming at work this coming week and can already feel the stress building in the pit of my stomach.  I am confident everything will go well, I am someone who despite feeling awful and anxious in the run up to something thrives on stress and I actually turn out some of my better work when verging on a breakdown lol.

No other news for you I'm afraid as this weekend has been full of work and pretty much solitary confinement.  Thank goodness I have plans today!

Oh and here is just a little tasty treat for you ladies out there ;)
Rolling Stones - Start Me Up

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