Thursday 18 December 2014

Forbidden Kisses

So Clerk and I spoke a day after 'the night' and I put my cards on the table and suggested we go on an actual date and see what happens.  Clerk, well, he had different thoughts.  We are throwing the whole thing under the carpet and I have promised not to try and fall over the gigantic lump on the floor next time we meet.  I'm sure we will catch up after Christmas and hopefully things can start to get back to normal.

I've got a date this coming week with a guy I've been chatting to on Tinder - An Irish teacher, and in the NY I'm meeting up for drinks with a guy I know from the BDSM munches so I will keep you informed.  Other than that Mr Helicopter text me not long after my last posting about him, asking how I was.  I exchanged pleasantries but didn't entertain his flirtation.  I had thought that was the end of it, but received a message on my walk to work from the pool this morning as follows:  'I can't believe I'm actually telling you, but I had a naughty dream about you last night.... sorry xxx'  (10mins later)... 'I am still horny thinking about it' ... (2mins later) 'You were very vocal and took charge. It was amazing'.  I replied saying 'yes, that does seem a little unusual given we never made that second date'.  He has replied since but I didn't bite.  My ship has sailed and he was most definitely not on the boat.

The latest twist however has been with Marine.  As I've said, work has been crazy the last few weeks; between deadlines and meetings and kick-off projects my head was in a spin, and that was before Christmas season kicked in and 101 Christmas parties and events joined the mix.  (My departmental Christmas night out was an absolute hoot incidentally.  I was the only girl to stay past dinner and the boys most definitely took care of me.  I was danced off my feet, flinged about, treat like a lady, bought drinks and safely placed in a cab home when it was pumpkin time.  Love those boys!).  

Anyway, things with Marine and I have been simmering away for some time. A few failed 'lets meet for a drink' plans (work got in the way), and more than a handful of 'I didn't really need to come to your department/desk to ask for this, but I wanted to flirt a little' excuse filled desk visits, and while I've not really given the situation a great deal of thought, I have had a couple of wicked dreams.  This afternoon however, the playfulness was definitely put to the test...

Around 3pm Marine emailed me on my work email (an unusual move unless work related) asking if I was around.  I was finishing up a projects meeting so shot him a quick one word 'yes' response and continued with work.  A couple of seconds later I received the following:  "I'm wondering if pinning you to the wall in the lift for a kiss would be inappropriate ;) lol'.  I got flustered and was unsure what to reply so opted for a non-committal "Interesting..." (30 secs later)... "See you in the lift in 5?"

Now there are only three floors in my building, however with the volume of employees this means that there are two lifts; one beside the other.  I had a couple of minutes to quickly make up my mind. Was I going to meet him or not? Would he be there or not?  Was this a wise idea?  Did meeting him make me a bad person?  Would I kick myself if I didn't go?  And all the while my head was spinning thinking how yummy he had been looking this week in his fitted shirts, how nice his physique was and how great he had smelt when he had appeared at my desk and asked me to meet for a coffee in the canteen a few days before (naturally he paid, and yes surprisingly he had pulled out my chair).  I had seconds left to decide and when I opened my eyes there I was, standing in front of the two lifts... before I could press the button the door pinged open and there he was, standing beside one of the other PMs.

I walked in, the lift went up a floor and she got out, I followed, so did he.  I turned and he pushed the button and walked back inside the lift shooting me a smile.  I followed.  As the doors closed another manager got in beside us.  I was dying on the inside.  He was less than an inch away from me, I could feel his arm pressed against mine and his eyes glance a knowing look as we both smiled politely at the other woman in the lift as she chatted away.  I was going to be stuck in this lift forever!! Going up and down, and up and down, feeling the tension rise.  When the doors opened again I stayed still, apprehensive as to who we would next have the company of... no-one stepped inside.

The doors shut, our eyes met, and before I knew it he had pulled me towards him, our lips met and my back was against the wall as our tongues danced.  One floor, nothing more than ten seconds, and then a ping.  I pushed him aside and we smiled as a faceless person stepped inside.  No sooner had they left than his fingers entwined around the langyard on my neck as he pulled me in close, wrapping his fingers around my waist for another forbidden kiss.  I walked out of the lift and back to my desk with a secret smile.

A lift as far as a metaphor goes is probably where this one is headed.  Still, I keep thinking that while I'm not exactly whiter than white, I'm single so I'm in the clear right?... Right?

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