Monday 7 October 2013


I stumbled upon a couple of posts relating to this and so lets see how we fit bloggers...

What should you have?

One old long-term boyfriend
A piece of non flat-pack furniture
A tailored work suit
A past juicy enough you look forward to telling when you're old
Massive check
An old age fund
Yeah, I'm still in denial about getting old
A CV that isn't even remotely padded
Yeah, this is never going to happen
A satisfying career
I'm still working on this
A tool kit
Double check - one in the house, one in my car *smug
Something ridiculously expensive that you bought for yourself
Myself... bought for anyone would be a surprise.  A solid no here.

What should you know?

How to fall in love without losing yourself
I'm not sure how I feel about this
Whether you want kids
This is a tricky one as I do, but I think perhaps not at this age.  Ola future adoption
When to try harder and when to walk away
I think I'm starting to get this one...  If only I had worked it out earlier
How to kiss in a way that conveys exactly where you want to go next
Nailed it!
Where to go when your soul needs soothing
The beach or a concert... every time!
What you would and wouldn't do for money
Yeah I think it's safe to say I absolutely know how low I'm willing to go
What you would and wouldn't do for love
I'm a sucker when in love, but I don't think I'm a fool... maybe
Who you trust, who you can't and why not to take it personally
I've got this one sorted and I can be as cut throat as the next chick
Not to apologise when something isn't your fault
I'm quick to apologise when something IS but yeah, I'm a stone otherwise

And just because this is a Ser3ndipity blog...
Things you should have done with a naked man (according to cosmo)

Sneak up behind him
I feel this is a no brainer
Let him be an animal
If this is in the literal sense then no... chuckle
Breakout a blindfold
Climb on top
I have to say this particular move is my nemisis... for a sexually confident girl I always go eek when I take this particular bull by the horns
Take a 'sensual' shower
Much easier to do than a sensual bath let me tell you
Find his g-spot
Well ladies, we all know where this is but it takes a deep breath and whole heap of trust for this one.  I have however been on this particular adventure.
Massage his bum
Haha check
Unleash your dominatrix
I love mixing it up like this so a definite check
Give him a striptease
This hasn't always gone to plan - Think copious amounts of hilarity

I don't know about you bloggers... but I am somewhat disappointed by cosmo.   I'm pretty sure I could have made a better list

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