Monday 30 April 2012

The Scarlet Pimple

My face is like a sodding pizza!

This last few months my skin has been getting progressively worse and I've no idea why.  I'm a 'eats lots of vegetables' girl, raw, crunchy, steamed and more often than not of late green... but nothing seems to be working!

I've always been someone who cleans and moisturises her face on a daily basis and yet of late my skin has become dry and red and blotchy.  I hate it!

I've tried pills, lotions, potions and still nothing... Nothing is making it better.  Now might be a good time to start factoring in a savings plan for a chemical peel.  I might be anti looking like a plastic, but I am pro botox (in the right amount), pro breast implants (if they make you feel good) and am now definitely thinking I am pro-chemical peel.  None of which I've had, but two of which are becoming an increasing interest.

Oh the irony.  A few days ago I was thinking about where I came from and how I need a little perspective (which has helped by the way) and yet today I am thinking hmmmm what can I do to make myself more attractive.  Its crazy!

Damn snow white and her perfectly perfect skin.  I swear Disney has a lot to answer for!

Shontelle - Plastic People

Saturday 28 April 2012

Where Do I Sign Up

I'm meeting Gstar soon to talk 'flats', he is debating a move out and there is a project management opportunity at work that would take me to December - if it all worked out, that would be an easy fix for a 6month transition.

Other options on the table are to head to a city not too far from here where I used to live and to move in with Balloo for a while.  I could commute for work but I think if I made this move I would scrap sensible for a while (prob till December), jack it all in and live for the weekend/evening.  I know a heap of people in that city that could hook me up with temp jobs, bar work, music industry work and I could be out 7days a week partying if I wanted... Could be just the break I need.

Radiohead has also offered me to relocate.  He owns his own place which has a spare room, I could crash a while and would be in an ideal location to find the kind of job I want.  The rent would be non-plus as the offer seemed to imply fun times and rent-free living.  Basically our relationship has always been either friends who gig and share music or fbs with no embarrassment just pure pleasure.  A girlfriend who knows Radiohead once described him as a guy who 'looks like he would go like a train' and I couldn't argue with that.

It is so tempting to pack up my life as it is now and take a huge liberating leap into the unknown to try and find myself again.  To party hard and work unimportant jobs until December may have the strongest pull, but I'm not sure it would be the smartest move... Saying that, I've done smart for quite a while now:  Staying in one place, respecting my job, working hard in a vocation I knew from the beginning was only going to be a stop-gap, quitting all things 'friends with benefits' related out, getting a long term boyfriend, losing a long term boyfriend, dating because others said it was 'time', screwing up because it clearly wasn't.  No, I think sensible is overrated.

I'll see how I feel next week but right now after a couple of glasses of red... Point me in the direction of fun, sex and mischief and show me where I sign up.

Def Leppard - Pour Some Sugar On Me

Thursday 26 April 2012

Marmite Soup

I keep having to tell myself to take deep breaths to calm myself down at the moment as this whole 'new flat, where to live, what to do' milarky is really starting to take its toll on me.  

Laying awake in bed last night I tried to put things into perspective, trying to calm myself down.  Its easy to say in relation to the people out there with no clean water, no food, no money in the whole world my life is one massive golden ticket, but as I've always said, problems and difficulties in any persons life are always relative.  Relative to the experiences you've had in the past, relative to your regular way of life and in that same respect something I wouldn't bat an eyelash at could crumble someone else.  So in trying to put things into perspective last night in terms of my life I remembered on of the most difficult times we had when I was growing up... Marmite soup!

Those of you who have been reading the blog for a while now will know that I don't come from a privlidged background.  I grew up on a council estate, not a high rise one, but not one of these fluffy small town, lots of greenery and a beach nearby ones either.  No our estate was semi-detached red brick housing with lead windows, asbestos and a very high probablility that if you didn't come home before the street lights came on you wouldn't come home at all.  

Anyway after my dad had a stroke and he and mum could no longer support us working in factories (they both used to shape steel for shelving and stank when they came home each day) we moved to a remote, super green, beach on your doorstep, small town place on a shoestring.  We rented a cottage that was the only housing we could afford, it was barely nothing more than a pile of rubble six miles from the nearest shop.  It hadn't been lived in for over 16yrs, had a tree growing into the side of the building, was cold allll the time (my bedroom walls were damp) and took every single penny we had.  

After a year or so what little money we had saved from the sale of our council house had well and truly run out, with neither mum nor dad working (dad couldn't and mum has never really had a strong work ethic but at that time had to look after him) we were in serious trouble.  Despite being over 6miles away from the nearest shop we had to sell our car, I think we got £300 for it. This meant mum and more often than not at weekends, I would have to cycle into town and back for the shopping. 

Winter was harsh that year, it became too difficult to cycle into town so we had to walk twice a week.  It was bitterly cold and so what little money we had went towards coal and firelighters leaving us very little other than the basics and the salvagable remains of our vegetable patch in the back garden to eat.  Saying that, we never had a lot so we made it work, eating small portions once a day and drinking lots to stay feeling full.  Unfortunately a freak blizard around the holidays left us completely isolated, unable to go anywhere and food had officially run out.  Left we had two badly sprouting potatoes, a couple of blackened carrots, a bulb of garlic and marmite (something none of us liked).  For almost three weeks we lived off one pot of exceptionally thin marmite soup... topped up every couple of days with water to stretch it out.  It was awful.  

I remember having days when we didn't eat growning up, I remember being fed dripping which we got free from the butchers on bread during the winter months to try and keep up our energy (dripping for those of you who don't know is the hardened fat that settles in the bottom of a pan after cooking meat), I remember feeling hungry and completely hollow inside several days but never as bad as we were that winter with the marmite soup.  

So in my search for calm and perspective I found myself searching out photos of our very first house in that small town and to remember what it feels like when you really are in a hopless situation.  I dug out some old photos this morning, the kind that don't make it to the 'trip down memory lane' sessions, the ones you're ashamed of for whatever reason and as always I was shocked to see glimpses of my body under the layers of clothing I would wear for warmth.  A jutting bone here, a bruise there, sunken eyes, and a yellowish hue to my skin.  Its strange to think that not once did anyone question how well we were doing as a family as I was always clean, polite and dressed in clean clothing despite them being 4th, 5th 6th hand and ill fitted.

It's strange to think how easily you can lose perspective, how someone can lose sight of the things that should make any one of us humble.  I can't compare myself to the people without homes due to natural disasters, the people living in a poverty ridden country or the unfortunate souls closer to home that call a doorway with a blanket a home... but I shouldn't so easily lose sight of my own difficult days (however insignificant when looking at the bigger picture) when realising how lucky I am, even now in a time of stress and turmoil.  

I didn't realise until I started writing this blog today but I've become really self-absorbed.  Time for some fresh thinking I think.

Monday 23 April 2012

Foot To The Floor

I am soooo glad I bought this car!  After my first shift back at work yesterday following a week or annual leave I was wound as tight as a spring due to issues with a seating move and behaviours that have surfaced within the team during my time away.  

When I stepped out the building I could have screamed!  I refrained however, got in my car, hit the motorway and put my foot to the floor with the music blasting - bliss!  I was definitely right when I thought buying a set of wheels would give me the taste of freedom I'd been lacking.  

Today as I'm off work, the plan is to take several deep breaths, look for and apply for any decent jobs, get a few bits and pieces on ebay for sale and then later this afternoon when I get wound up again, hop in the car and drive somewhere.  I'm going to have to allocate a decent chunk of all future pay cheques to petrol I think :p

On other news I had a quick peek at flats and I am really going to struggle if I am going to do living on my own again with the list of demands I'm used to (lots of floor space, west-end, big windows, old build) within my budget.  I can definitely empathise with the community in NYC that voted for 'the rent too damn high' party - Yes dude with the crazy ass moustache, it is!  If you've no Idea what I'm talking about... YouTube it, sit back and smile.

Friday 20 April 2012


So life has handed me another spanner in the works so I better get my head into gear and tackle things head on.

The plan WAS to take some time finding the perfect job, apply leisurely and focus on having something in place in a location of my choice by Aug/Sept however yesterday life stepped in and put things into fast forward.  

When the post arrived yesterday I opened a rather important looking envelope which turned out to contain a tenancy notice to move out agreement from my landlord.  I called him immediately as I had almost convinced myself that despite a surveyor coming round to view all of his properties last month, his  speedy replacement of my fridge/freezer with a brand new one and having heard nothing of concern that I was safe... I was wrong.  When I spoke with him he advised he was in financial deep water and so the bank was reclaiming several of his properties and mine was on the hot list.

I have a good relationship with my landlord having lived in two of his properties and never being late with my rent or overly needy as a tenant so I am sure my reference will be glowing, but the fact is this completely and utterly spins my plans out of control. 

I've 2 cats so finding a flat in the first place is difficult, accompany that with my refusal to live in a new-build unless it is exceptionally spacious with massive windows, my budget and the fact I want to look for employment in a different location so the sign of another lease, even a short assured tenancy agreement would be a nightmare throws me into a whirlpool of stress.  The irony is the main location on my hit list for a number of reasons is the city OOJ lives in and he does have a spare room but I seriously doubt that would be an offer for the taking.  Total disaster!  

Avril Lavigne - Mobile

Sunday 15 April 2012

No Net

I've had some serious net access issues this last while as 3G is rubbish where I am and despite being back at home my internet is also on the blink.  Back in a few days, in the mean time here's a mega brief rundown:
  1. Radiohead wants to date me and pretty much put it all on the line to my silent response
  2. Mr X offered again to pay to fly me to Dubai for a visit
  3. My new car is awwweesome and was not out of place in the fast lane 80% of the trip home
  4. Mum is staying at my flat for a week as she wanted a holiday
  5. I haven't logged into my work email once in the last 4 days!! (It has to be a record)
  6. I'm going to start officially applying for jobs next weekend when mum leaves
  7. Since starting to lose weight I've lost approx 9kg - Hurrah!
  8. I'm worried about my teeth as they are starting to get clear tips so I am clearly having enamel issues from too much brushing again
  9. OOJ is being weird with me
  10. I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed a holiday!

Monday 9 April 2012

Imaginary Hat (updated)

Imaginary hat off to you blog reader who pointed out that stop backwards isn't post but is in fact pots!  Lmao.

So I'm heading to my mums tomorrow to see her, my brother, sis-in-law and nephews (foster nephew included) and to pick up my car - exciting!  I had planned on staying a week to catch some sunshine as they all have gardens, but as it is forecast to rain/sleet the entire time  I might make it more of a fleeting visit and head back to work earlier than planned.  

This last couple of days I couldn't help but think what if I was OOJ and had read this blog, would I be upset, annoyed, angry...? Then I figured that I've written nothing on here with malice even when it came to Mr X (who has royally screwed me around) so I wasn't going to over think it.  I know he said he wouldn't look again, but I don't think I could close the door to someones inner world once it had been opened so I guess I need to write anything in future knowing that perhaps he isreading.


I met g-star last night as he is looking after the kittys while I am away, we were meant to head for a coffee so I could drop off the keys after work but he convinced me it would be rude not to head to the pub for a proper catchup and a munch.  I'm glad I was pursuaded as we had a giggle and a much needed catchup.  Ironically we are both broke atm due to cars (me buying mine and his having to be taxed, MOT and Insured all in a six week period, so I think the plan is to have a night at mine early next month with drinks, chat and dvds while he gives me a lesson in how to bake the perfect cookie lol.

On other guy news I'm heading out on a date this coming Thursday while I am away.  Its with a guy I've known for years (lets call him Slide - after a song he sang to me once to catch my attention at a house party).  If I'm honest we had a v casual friends with benefits arrangement going on way back when I was travelling about heading to gigs all the time and he was on my hit-list of party people.  He is a musician, and one of the swoony kind... women throw themselves at him when we are out and he is never without a girl on his arm for long and despite this remains utterly independent.  Anyway, he and asked to take me out on a date this coming Friday when he heard I was in town.  Don't get me wrong bloggers I have always known what this guy is about, but I think in his book I was always the one that got away... probably because I was the one that didn't want to tie him down.  Anyway when I heard he was playing a gig on the Thursday I switched plans on him and now I'm going to head to that and get the full Slide experience.  There was always something about seeing him perform that for an instant made me completely lose myself.  

So there you have it, a date on Thursday to see him gig, grab a few drinks, catch up, probably end up at a party back at his (I can't imagine that has changed) and yes... It probably does mean that too ;)

The Script - Science & Faith

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Stop is Post Backwards

Thanks for your messages

I've decided I can't quite hear the fat lady singing so I am going to continue blogging and should OOJ continue to read or 'stumble upon the blog again' then he should feel guilty.

Be back Friday bloggers x
The All Seeing I - The Beat Goes On

Monday 2 April 2012

Reading My Diary

So last night OOJ told me he had actively searched for and had found this blog onine and had read it.  This was followed by him telling me he only looked once and would never look again as he felt awful... saying that he must have read a chunk as he managed to find one of the few blogs I mention him in, and to find the blog in the first place... not exactly something you would stumble upon by accident.

Not sure where to go from here bloggers, I definitely don't buy that someone who has essentially found your diary read it once and then never look again, especially if it contained their name.  Its human nature.

I love my blog! Its the one outlet that actually works for me, keeps me sane and helps me de-clutter the things in my head and heaven knows I've enough to deal with on a daily basis (some of which I've never shared in this blog) but the whole point was that it was anonymous and deliberately so. I hate to think someone who knows me and the people in my life has been able to read things I've never shared with anyone in my life, and never wanted to share (other than you guys, my faceless blog followers).

I know the answer is that I need to stop blogging because to have someone read my inner thoughts and feelings who knows me makes me feel sick.  I also think the answer is that I need to delete my blogs past and present (again something that I never wanted to do as I'd thought if ever I had kids it would be interesting to share).  


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